Atheism ON TOPIC


Well-Known Member
How do you know they were gay? The Catholics who covered up the abuse?
Apparently some of the bishops who were removed had participated in such behavior years ago. The Vatican, just like a centralized government or the headquarters of a corporation, doesn't always know what's going on in a given diocese. The bishop of a diocese may keep quiet and try to handle such cases himself. Or protect himself from scandal. The thing is the abuse was worldwide, particularly bad in Ireland but pretty bad in many countries, so hard to believe the Vatican didn't know. Probably knew for generations. And was protecting itself.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


Well-Known Member
Apparently some of the bishops who were removed had participated in such behavior years ago. The Vatican, just like a centralized government or the headquarters of a corporation, doesn't always know what's going on in a given diocese. The bishop of a diocese may keep quiet and try to handle such cases himself. Or protect himself from scandal. The thing is the abuse was worldwide, particularly bad in Ireland but pretty bad in many countries, so hard to believe the Vatican didn't know. Probably knew for generations. And was protecting itself.

Says the guy who’s OK with banging 14 year-olds.

Go away.

El Correcto

god is dead
Apparently some of the bishops who were removed had participated in such behavior years ago. The Vatican, just like a centralized government or the headquarters of a corporation, doesn't always know what's going on in a given diocese. The bishop of a diocese may keep quiet and try to handle such cases himself. Or protect himself from scandal. The thing is the abuse was worldwide, particularly bad in Ireland but pretty bad in many countries, so hard to believe the Vatican didn't know. Probably knew for generations. And was protecting itself.
I agree, Catholics are disgusting and diddle little boys and have been passing it down for generations.


Well-Known Member
Apparently some of the bishops who were removed had participated in such behavior years ago. The Vatican, just like a centralized government or the headquarters of a corporation, doesn't always know what's going on in a given diocese. The bishop of a diocese may keep quiet and try to handle such cases himself. Or protect himself from scandal. The thing is the abuse was worldwide, particularly bad in Ireland but pretty bad in many countries, so hard to believe the Vatican didn't know. Probably knew for generations. And was protecting itself.

I mean, if there’s grass in the outfield, play ball!

Go away.


Well-Known Member
I'm ok with 14 year olds, who are mature enough, with the permission of a parent and/or judge, to marry a young man. So are the majority of states. Take it up with them.


(I posted this three times, this wasn’t a mistake, vanbytheriver has pedo tendencies but wants to blame everyone else...)

Go away pedo.

El Correcto

god is dead
You could go rant about the homos and how much you love a dead Jew while sexually abusing all the vulnerable children you want.

If you get caught the Christians will give you a plane ticket out of town so you can start all over in another country.


Well-Known Member
You could go rant about the homos and how much you love a dead Jew while sexually abusing all the vulnerable children you want.

If you get caught the Christians will give you a plane ticket out of town so you can start all over in another country.

I think he’s in Venezuela.

Maybe Brazil.

It’s hard to tell, he lies so much.




Well-Known Member
How about fight the urge to get with a fourteen year-old?

You are one sick friend.
I'm not going to marry a 14 year old, but I can see where a 14 year old falls for a 18 year old and wants to marry him. With her parents permission, or petitioning a court, depends on the state, she can. What part of that do you not get? I didn't write the laws, take it up with them.