Atheism ON TOPIC

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!


Well-Known Member
But pedophiles who prey only on male children are homosexuals victimizing the defenseless.
I don't care what they are, gay or not.

You think they are boys, because that is the opportunity that arises? You guys are making it sound like homosexuality is worse than the pedophilia. He who is without sin....

They, and the part of the Catholic church that knew, are hypocrites, and some pretty bad humans, for not protecting the children.


Inordinately Right
That's the second most dumbest thing I seen on this thread, behind those trying to defend their actions. There are, unfortunately, a lot of that going on, outside of the Catholic church.
So you're suggesting if there were no priests and no Catholic Church, some other organization would have taken up the role of worldwide defender of pedophiles?


Well-Known Member
So you're suggesting if there were no priests and no Catholic Church, some other organization would have taken up the role of worldwide defender of pedophiles?
SMH, you claim without the Catholic church, there'd be no pedophiles(problem). You were quoting a post referencing gay priests problem, not the cover-up of the problem.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what they are, gay or not.

You think they are boys, because that is the opportunity that arises? You guys are making it sound like homosexuality is worse than the pedophilia. He who is without sin....

They, and the part of the Catholic church that knew, are hypocrites, and some pretty bad humans, for not protecting the children.

its pretty obvious , without gay priests there would be no scandel. to try to argue against the point is plain silly .


Well-Known Member
are you wrongs other ID , you're trying to sell the same tired arguments
And since you have no argument, I guess a tired argument beats no argument.

And no, I believe in a God that can save us from eternal damnation, but arguing against the gayness over the pedophilia, is insane. One is a crime, the other is not.

God does the punishing, we are here to love. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, don't call out others sin, when you have plenty of your own. That is what was taught by my God, if you follow the same God as me, then you should do the same.