Atheism ON TOPIC


Got the T-Shirt
Get back to us with some original thoughts.

Or stick to the Union Forum, it’s painfully clear you’re outclassed in CE


I post a simple meme (without any commentary) and your 1st reaction is to

be triggered enough, to make an attempt at insulting me ?

That has to be an awesome responsibility, to be the self appointed brain trust

of BrownCafe.... ;)


Well-Known Member

I post a simple meme (without any commentary) and your 1st reaction is to

be triggered enough, to make an attempt at insulting me ?

That has to be an awesome responsibility, to be the self appointed brain trust

of BrownCafe.... ;)
You also been reported. I'm looking at the report right now .


Well-Known Member
Does that make you a reporter?


Well-Known Member
Who made god?
What does that matter?
Everyone who seeks knowledge knows that something above and beyond our comprehension made this universe. There are many different opinions after that but the fact remains.
I recognize that most people don't care about anything other than the things in their own personal little bubble but the seekers are a different breed.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What does that matter?
Everyone who seeks knowledge knows that something above and beyond our comprehension made this universe. There are many different opinions after that but the fact remains.
I recognize that most people don't care about anything other than the things in their own personal little bubble but the seekers are a different breed.
That’s not a fact.


Well-Known Member
That’s not a fact.
Your right. But anyone who tells me that the couch I'm setting on, the brown truck I slave in, the ocean I swim in, the sun that burns, the trillions of stars in the sky & the space that holds them was contained in the point of a pin with nothing that placed them there is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Not to mention the fact that the complexity of the universe as well as every living thing is so precise.
It's funny how I can see absolutely no atheism in my existence & you can see no God in yours. Is it simply the wiring or circumstance?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Your right. But anyone who tells me that the couch I'm setting on, the brown truck I slave in, the ocean I swim in, the sun that burns, the trillions of stars in the sky & the space that holds them was contained in the point of a pin with nothing that placed them there is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Not to mention the fact that the complexity of the universe as well as every living thing is so precise.
It's funny how I can see absolutely no atheism in my existence & you can see no God in yours. Is it simply the wiring or circumstance?
No God=no one to answer to for your actions.