

Staff member
Well, what do you want to believe? If it makes you feel better to deny the existence of God, why not just say so? Why try to "prove" what can't actually be proven anyway? Why try to grasp at understanding the Infinite (God) with the finite (man)? Even the concept is fallacious.

So why do Christians try to convert? I don't know, save the Great Commission. I do think they go about it all wrong though. Too much talk, not enough action.


My home church welcomes all denominations, but mainly they prefer tens and twenties.

I've listened to a lot of religious radio, in it's heyday , there was a radio station that would play recordings of sunday sermons from different congregations throughout the country. (now , there is just as much paid infomercials as there is preaching on this station). Different sermons of different congregations(ethnicity, income , geography).

While seemingly they were preaching from the same book, lots of different interpretations. And all of the preachers would get to a point where they said that many things in that book were beyond their total understanding( but don't worry, just believe Jesus died for your sins and your lack of understanding means naught,).

But there was one area in which all these preachers were in total agreement and of self professed full understanding. What area was that? You guessed it: Tithing.

Oh all these preachers had that area fully understood and they greatly strived to make sure that those listening understood it as well. Along with the understanding of giving back 1/10 of your income (Gross, by the way, not net, in case you didn't know) is that it was biblical and still in effect today. For those who felt the new testament did away with this rule, fine, then be like the woman who gave all she had. Or you can just give 1/10 , isn't that better?

Chuck Swindall, who I have listened to for many years, was normally a man of high intellect and fine patient charisma was displayed in his deliverance of his messages.

I remember one time when he came on the radio and that patience was gone. Apparently, many of the expansionary programs of his church were being delayed due to lack of funding . It was time to put the fear of God into the congregation in order to loosen the purse strings of its members.

I would like to bring this home and wrap it up with a C7 chord leading into a friend chord. But I can't , the subject allows me not this option.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
What if Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist folks were actually being true to the bible, would you maintain being mad and condemn Phelps and crew or would you read and re-examine the bible upon which they stand?



Well-Known Member
Fred and the rest of the cult have been to where I live twice---one time to protest against our openly gay (former) mayor and the other to protest against a local high school production of a play with gay overtones. They were far outnumbered by counter-protesters and their impact was minimal.


Staff member
Our pastor relayed her experience with the Phelps brigade while escorting our youth group to a gathering. Seems these people were getting in the kids' faces and yelling, "God hates you!" Our pastor explained her fury not only for the occurance, but for her absolute conviction that God loves Phelps also. Believing in God does not make that easy to swallow.


Well-Known Member
I tend to doubt it, I think belief in the supernatural is hardwired in to some extent.

I'd agree with that as well. What is more likely to happen as has happened over time anyway is that what is believed in god(s) will once again evolve. What is more likely to happen IMO is that an institutional mediator between man and god may become obsolete. The priest will go the way of the shaman into the dustbin of history and IMO that process is already in place and accelerating. Printing press made this possible and shoved to light speed by the computer and the internet.

There are already over 38k christian denominations and 100's and 100's of bible translation so in the sense of western god beliefs, seems to me western culture is moving towards a type of Hindu model of god where there are millions and millions of god ideals to choose from and custom fit to the life you want to live.

Watched a BBC documentary recent entitled "The Story of God" and the 300 plus million gods of Hindu was a striking observation of where western thought is headed IMO.


Well-Known Member
Not going to church? This preacher suggests you pay a tax for not doing so.

Someone should inform this guy that the majority of non-church goers are not atheists to begin with. Most non-church goers are believers of various stripe who have for reasons abandoned organized church religion.