Actually Pope Benedict is
questioning some of the nativity narrative already. This on top of the Church's
acceptance of evolution as being compatible with Christianity (and they would be right too) so seems to me that some of the atheist debate is becoming accepted.

The world is going to hell, slowly but surely!
More important, I think both atheism and christainity greatly benefit as the Church enters into these discussions and begins to clear the field of non textual beliefs such as animals at the nativity. I'd like to see what they have to say about the contradictions between
Matthew Chapter 2 where upon Jesus is born and then is taken to Egypt to escape Herod before returning to Nazareth and
Luke Chapter 2 that has Jesus is born, taken to Jerusalem and presented and then returned to Nazareth.
Another discrepancy is the Quirinius, the governor of Syria named in Luke took office after 6 CE and Herod mentioned in Matthew died in 4 BCE. Since Pope Benedict is going with an earlier Jesus birth, is he fully discounting the Luke account? I may get his book to see if he addresses this difference and how he reconciles it.
Not going to be popular among traditionalists but I applaud Pope Benedict for clearing the animals from the barn so to speak.