

Well-Known Member
Not going to church? This preacher suggests you pay a tax for not doing so.

Someone should inform this guy that the majority of non-church goers are not atheists to begin with. Most non-church goers are believers of various stripe who have for reasons abandoned organized church religion.
Can "Lightning" Obama still propose to change from tax exemption to a tax hike on churches or it's already too late?:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
I'd agree with that as well. What is more likely to happen as has happened over time anyway is that what is believed in god(s) will once again evolve. What is more likely to happen IMO is that an institutional mediator between man and god may become obsolete. The priest will go the way of the shaman into the dustbin of history and IMO that process is already in place and accelerating. Printing press made this possible and shoved to light speed by the computer and the internet.

There are already over 38k christian denominations and 100's and 100's of bible translation so in the sense of western god beliefs, seems to me western culture is moving towards a type of Hindu model of god where there are millions and millions of god ideals to choose from and custom fit to the life you want to live.

Watched a BBC documentary recent entitled "The Story of God" and the 300 plus million gods of Hindu was a striking observation of where western thought is headed IMO.
But if the concept is true that we are in collective hypnosis(lower vibration) since the beginning of religions than that whole card of churches fall once that physical sun blows up or these spirits/entities (in plain sight) show themselves.
The chem-trails makes sense to me now, if the sun really sending these rays/eruptions/CMEs which can radiate the earth so the governments are spraying around the globe as a shield even though it is poisons.
Because like it or not Hollywood, the elite, western politicians working with spirits(as above). Just as these new agers "channeling" them....
MSM does go after the churches(Jesus) that's for sure.
If it's not true than nothing happens other than the system(ponzi money) will collapse no matter what.
Inception: Lucid Dreaming and Conscious Creation - YouTube


golden ticket member
The Atheists can stay home and have a study day!!!!

So dumb.
Via Daily Caller:
Charlie Brown’s Christmas is on the outs at an elementary school in Little Rock, Ark. — at least among atheists who are calling foul over a planned student trip to see a stage production of the beloved Peanuts story.

The trouble began when students at Terry Elementary School brought home letters detailing the trip to see “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at a local church, according to a report from Arkansas’ KARK. A parent who had a problem with the play’s content notified the local atheist group of the field trip.

“We’re not saying anything bad about Charlie Brown,” Anne Orsi, vice president of the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers, told KARK. “The problem is that it’s got religious content and it’s being performed in a religious venue and that doesn’t just blur the line between church and state, it oversteps it entirely.”


Well-Known Member
Actually Pope Benedict is questioning some of the nativity narrative already. This on top of the Church's acceptance of evolution as being compatible with Christianity (and they would be right too) so seems to me that some of the atheist debate is becoming accepted.
:surprised: The world is going to hell, slowly but surely! :happy-very:

More important, I think both atheism and christainity greatly benefit as the Church enters into these discussions and begins to clear the field of non textual beliefs such as animals at the nativity. I'd like to see what they have to say about the contradictions between Matthew Chapter 2 where upon Jesus is born and then is taken to Egypt to escape Herod before returning to Nazareth and Luke Chapter 2 that has Jesus is born, taken to Jerusalem and presented and then returned to Nazareth.

Another discrepancy is the Quirinius, the governor of Syria named in Luke took office after 6 CE and Herod mentioned in Matthew died in 4 BCE. Since Pope Benedict is going with an earlier Jesus birth, is he fully discounting the Luke account? I may get his book to see if he addresses this difference and how he reconciles it.

Not going to be popular among traditionalists but I applaud Pope Benedict for clearing the animals from the barn so to speak.


Well-Known Member
The Atheists can stay home and have a study day!!!!

So dumb.
Via Daily Caller:
Charlie Brown’s Christmas is on the outs at an elementary school in Little Rock, Ark. — at least among atheists who are calling foul over a planned student trip to see a stage production of the beloved Peanuts story.

The trouble began when students at Terry Elementary School brought home letters detailing the trip to see “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at a local church, according to a report from Arkansas’ KARK. A parent who had a problem with the play’s content notified the local atheist group of the field trip.

“We’re not saying anything bad about Charlie Brown,” Anne Orsi, vice president of the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers, told KARK. “The problem is that it’s got religious content and it’s being performed in a religious venue and that doesn’t just blur the line between church and state, it oversteps it entirely.”

I think there are times that the atheist groups should just STFU as they have nothing to gain other than publicity albeit bad.


Well-Known Member
Actually Pope Benedict is questioning some of the nativity narrative already. This on top of the Church's acceptance of evolution as being compatible with Christianity (and they would be right too) so seems to me that some of the atheist debate is becoming accepted.
:surprised: The world is going to hell, slowly but surely! :happy-very:

More important, I think both atheism and christainity greatly benefit as the Church enters into these discussions and begins to clear the field of non textual beliefs such as animals at the nativity. I'd like to see what they have to say about the contradictions between Matthew Chapter 2 where upon Jesus is born and then is taken to Egypt to escape Herod before returning to Nazareth and Luke Chapter 2 that has Jesus is born, taken to Jerusalem and presented and then returned to Nazareth.

Another discrepancy is the Quirinius, the governor of Syria named in Luke took office after 6 CE and Herod mentioned in Matthew died in 4 BCE. Since Pope Benedict is going with an earlier Jesus birth, is he fully discounting the Luke account? I may get his book to see if he addresses this difference and how he reconciles it.

Not going to be popular among traditionalists but I applaud Pope Benedict for clearing the animals from the barn so to speak.
Haha, the religion ship is about to hit the iceberg...
The "universe" will strike back :)
Angels and Demons - Science and Religion - YouTube


golden ticket member
In one fell soop, Behar dismantles everything A.A. is about!!!! What a creep!

[h=2]The View Hag Joy Behar Compares Christianity To Drug Addiction…[/h]
JOY BEHAR: You know, the thing about this kid is that he also had a downward trend. He was using drugs, and then he found religion. A lot of times I’ve noticed that people do that. They’re on drugs, and then they give up drugs, they need a new addiction, and the new addiction is religion.


golden ticket member
I like certain segments of Fox & Friends on Sunday AM. Like the house calls with the 2 doctors and Fr. Jonathan Morris.

Fr. Jonathan had a good question today......we see all the atheist stuff come out of the woodwork at holiday time. Billboards say...."Don't believe in God? Join the club."

His question was , where were the atheists when all the prayer vigils were help for the CT. kids that were killed???? Why weren't there protests then??


Well-Known Member
His question was , where were the atheists when all the prayer vigils were help for the CT. kids that were killed???? Why weren't there protests then??

Atheiests may not believe in the existence of a higher being but do understand the concept of "time and place". Now, if only the members of the Westboro Baptist Church would grasp that concept...


golden ticket member
Public Prayer is prayer.....either you are for it or against matter what the circumstances. This is why I think most atheists just think it's neat to say they are, but it's not who they really are.


Staff member
Public Prayer is prayer.....either you are for it or against matter what the circumstances. This is why I think most atheists just think it's neat to say they are, but it's not who they really are.
That's what you get for thinking.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Public Prayer is prayer.....either you are for it or against matter what the circumstances. This is why I think most atheists just think it's neat to say they are, but it's not who they really are.
What does not believing have to do with being against prayer? I still close my eyes and respect other people praying before meals and such. Unlike holy rollers I don't feel the need to push my beliefs on everyone else. Every person has the right to choose what they believe and I won't interfere with that.