

Well-Known Member
Atheiests may not believe in the existence of a higher being but do understand the concept of "time and place". Now, if only the members of the Westboro Baptist Church would grasp that concept...
Westboro Baptist is not a representation of christianity anymore than any other hate group represents what it is labeled too..... They will never understand any concept of free will and "time and place". They make it a point to try to push the envelope and make people lose their cool and then sue when laws are violated.


golden ticket member
What does not believing have to do with being against prayer? I still close my eyes and respect other people praying before meals and such. Unlike holy rollers I don't feel the need to push my beliefs on everyone else. Every person has the right to choose what they believe and I won't interfere with that.
I was referring to the Atheists who come out to battle against Christmas and are very vocal about it......those are the ones I wonder where they are when there is public in CT. They disappear for fear of bad press which means to me they are not very serious about their cause..only want to cause trouble .


Staff member
I was referring to the Atheists who come out to battle against Christmas and are very vocal about it......those are the ones I wonder where they are when there is public in CT. They disappear for fear of bad press which means to me they are not very serious about their cause..only want to cause trouble .
Nobody "battles against christmas". What some atheists (and principled theists) do fight against is governmental endorsement/support of religion, which is clearly distinct from private citizens having a prayer service " in CT."


golden ticket member
I'm having trouble 'writing' what I want to say....not the same as talking. I guess I'm just not getting my idea across.


Nine Lives
Nobody "battles against christmas". What some atheists (and principled theists) do fight against is governmental endorsement/support of religion, which is clearly distinct from private citizens having a prayer service " in CT."

I'm having trouble 'writing' what I want to say....not the same as talking. I guess I'm just not getting my idea across.

Maybe what more is trying to say is that some atheists feel they must chime in every time religion is discussed with some smarmy remark like "voice in the sky" in a condescending manner.


Staff member
Maybe what more is trying to say is that some atheists feel they must chime in every time religion is discussed with some smarmy remark like "voice in the sky" in a condescending manner.
No, that's not what she's been saying at all:

I like certain segments of Fox & Friends on Sunday AM. Like the house calls with the 2 doctors and Fr. Jonathan Morris.

Fr. Jonathan had a good question today......we see all the atheist stuff come out of the woodwork at holiday time. Billboards say...."Don't believe in God? Join the club."

His question was , where were the atheists when all the prayer vigils were help for the CT. kids that were killed???? Why weren't there protests then??

Public Prayer is prayer.....either you are for it or against matter what the circumstances. This is why I think most atheists just think it's neat to say they are, but it's not who they really are.

I was referring to the Atheists who come out to battle against Christmas and are very vocal about it......those are the ones I wonder where they are when there is public in CT. They disappear for fear of bad press which means to me they are not very serious about their cause..only want to cause trouble .

You must be hearing the imaginary voice again :wink2:


Interesting video wkmac,
my guess is that there are millions of hypocrites in the
religion industry that hold positions of authority that
will live the lie till they die just because there's good money in it.


Yup ,I remember them.My grandmother never missed Oral Roberts and
Jimmy Swaggart .We all remember his escapades...
And what's up with priests and young boys?
I may be an atheist,I hope to God I'm right :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Life can be such fun.

Arizona Republicans proposal of bill requiring high school student atheists among others to swear loyalty oath to god or forfeit high school graduation. I'd tell them to go pound sand on the grounds that what they are demanding I do violates the Constitution in and of itself. And even if the Constitution allowed it, I'd still tell them to friend' Off!

This might be a good thing. Now maybe the atheists will take over the home school movement. Now that would be an irony!