August 1st will be here soon...


Well-Known Member
Strike pay my friend. As well as it’s everyone’s duty to save for this occasion once every 3 to 5 years.
Hopefully we will never have to go through a strike. It’ll be horrible for the bottom line and under ten year guys will disappear.

Promote the business and trust the
process. Fear mongers and ones who have no voice will be at the forefront in the next few months. The few of us who are actually effected need to be solid. We got this. Positive thoughts and preparation. It means our lives.

Buffet Master

If that was my uncle I would.....
Our one uncle always had us sit on his lap and then fish around in his pocket for a silver dollar we could keep. While we didn't like it guess we were just too young and naive to understand what was going on there.

Finally at the family get together for Christmas us nieces and nephews said we're onto you, no more. Needless to say, last Christmas was pretty freakin awkward.

Buffet Master

They got theirs in stock. Tank the stock and they all lose millions. That’s why they give a crap. The higher the stock, the richer they are.


Yes, but good for everybody.
Jokes on us again when you find out they invested millions to short the stock and make ridiculous amounts of personal wealth off of a strike.