Avoidable runaway


Staff member
Not complaining someone told me about this site and said ask some questions on here.. but i see this site is full of butt kissers so i guess I'll move along boss.. but if you guys on here are drivers or part time just remember the company don't love you they will get rid of you like you're nothing so make the money dont let it make you
This is the kind of wisdom I come here for.


Well-Known Member
You nosed in to a DRIVEWAY

I can confidently say that in 3 years of FT driving I have never nosed in to any stop and parked it. What if someone came and parked behind you? bye Felicia
I have nosed into driveways on country routes just to drive down there long swerving gravel pathway just to found out that they got a gate up and locked with no buzzer or anything to notify that I'm here. What would you do in a situation like that where there is no room to turn around and drive back out without backing out?


Well-Known Member
You should take this opportunity to go community college and get some schooling. I have a feeling that getting some needed education might help you in your future endeavors.

Think about this for a moment, YOU got hired by a fortune 500 company and had the opportunity to make over $100k a year driving a truck and putting a box on a doorstep and you friend*d it up by not following the procedures.

How many other places will you be able to find that will hire you or pay that much? Probably not very many at all. I mean reading all this, would you hire someone like you? Trust me, go back and get some schooling, you need it.
Its jobs out here i dont have to make that to be happy bossman...so if my situation happens to you and someone did the same accident kept their job but you lose yours and the union who's cutting in on your hard earned money let it happen


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Its jobs out here i dont have to make that to be happy bossman...so if my situation happens to you and someone did the same accident kept their job but you lose yours and the union who's cutting in on your hard earned money let it happen
Good luck to you, keep fighting the goof fight.


Well-Known Member
Its jobs out here i dont have to make that to be happy bossman...so if my situation happens to you and someone did the same accident kept their job but you lose yours and the union who's cutting in on your hard earned money let it happen

lot of it is attitude. you wanted your pride more then your job. If you dont learn from it you'll get fired from your next job too. Is there any pride left when you're standing in the bread line and cant get a job?


Well-Known Member
You guys on here just remember stack your money and don't get the big head.. they'll pull the rug on you I've seen a guy get fired for something that happened 3years before his termination.. and he was a 30 year driver and his own teamster peers told on him and got him terminated... trying to be buddy buddy with management cost a man his livelihood