Avoidable runaway


Retired 23 years
I assume you mean those 116 series Ford's?

We had several in my center. They were great until the regular brakes got wet and you had to pull the micro/park brake to stop.
I was talking about the old micro-brakes that all the package trucks had on them back in the 70's. I was a parking brake system that was tied right into the hydraulic brakes of the truck. When you stopped you pushed on the brake pedal and flipped a switch that locked the pedal down --locking the brakes on.


Well-Known Member
You guys on here just remember stack your money and don't get the big head.. they'll pull the rug on you I've seen a guy get fired for something that happened 3years before his termination.. and he was a 30 year driver and his own teamster peers told on him and got him terminated... trying to be buddy buddy with management cost a man his livelihood

Good god you're still here?!


Well-Known Member
You guys on here just remember stack your money and don't get the big head.. they'll pull the rug on you I've seen a guy get fired for something that happened 3years before his termination.. and he was a 30 year driver and his own teamster peers told on him and got him terminated... trying to be buddy buddy with management cost a man his livelihood

he didnt get fired because he tried to be buddy buddy he got fired because he did something wrong and got caught.


Retired 23 years
They are called Mico here but we called them Micro---don't know why.

The video even says they are for multi delivery vehicles also


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If couldnt drive a stick i wouldn't be a driver dummy so your hub must have new manual shifts or something
That's epic, you calling someone a dummy. Friend, you really need to go back through 14 pages and re-read what you wrote. I would explain it to you but I have a feeling it would be lost in translation.


Well-Known Member
i can drive a stick but i was trained on an automatic. thats why i failed.
Dude i can drive a stick you missing the point all i was trained on about the hand brake was to pull it up at every stop that's what i did it didnt hold so if i wasnt trained to tell if its loose or whatever how am i supposed to know thats the company fault truck in 1st gear hand brake up it rolled i admitted to nosing in didnt argue about it not once but lets get real here if my truck had not rolled would i get fired for nosing in no thats a write up im not in my 30day qualifying period