

Legio patria nostra


Retired 23 years
Don’t worry, when the economy collapses again because of the tens of millions of unvaccinated getting sick from the out-of-control virus then gas prices will drop to lows again. ;)
Not with Biden driving the bus. We are stuck with high prices until we can get the currant administration out. .


Well-Known Member
Over 200,000 people have died from covid under the Biden administration. You're just being silly.
This is not reality based. Biden was sworn in office on January 20th and sadly that month 104,000 Americans died from covid. Trump was president for the vast majority of Jan, and he gets all of those deaths on his record. Since February of 2021, sadly 111,000 people have died. That is a lot of people and a serious tragedy, but not close to 200,000. The great news if it holds is that covid deaths were down to 1000 in July, but we shall see if it stays that low.


Well-Known Member
Tough luck..it was called a Trump Virus while he was in office, now it is officially a “Biden Virus”.
I never heard anyone call it the trump virus. trump is not responsible for coronavirus that is objective reality. The criticism trump faced was how he responded to the virus, the lies he told, the contradictory messaging he sent to the nation, the utterly insane things he said about covid, the lack of PPE for medical professionals, he wast tweeting liberate Michigan and armed trump supporters stormed the Michigan state house, and some of them planned to abduct the governor of Michigan. The man got on tv and said maybe we should inject sunlight into our bodies or take disinfectant into our bodies to kill the coroanvirus. He downplayed the deadliness of the virus, he wanted the number of coronavirus cases undercounted, and on and on. He was terrible in so many ways and it cost the lives of thousands.

But one cannot logically say the deaths from covid in January 2021 happened during Biden's watch when he was sworn in on January 20th of 2021.