

In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I never heard anyone call it the trump virus. trump is not responsible for coronavirus that is objective reality. The criticism trump faced was how he responded to the virus, the lies he told, the contradictory messaging he sent to the nation, the utterly insane things he said about covid, the lack of PPE for medical professionals, he wast tweeting liberate Michigan and armed trump supporters stormed the Michigan state house, and some of them planned to abduct the governor of Michigan. The man got on tv and said maybe we should inject sunlight into our bodies or take disinfectant into our bodies to kill the coroanvirus. He downplayed the deadliness of the virus, he wanted the number of coronavirus cases undercounted, and on and on. He was terrible in so many ways and it cost the lives of thousands.

But one cannot logically say the deaths from covid in January 2021 happened during Biden's watch when he was sworn in on January 20th of 2021.

He still has a 3 years and 4 months to deal with it..I really wish him the 🤞.

I do not care who was in office during this Pandemic.. it was going to be way over their heads...they had no control..any decision was only a guess..

We better stay focused on who was really to blame...everybody knows 🇨🇳....it will be pay back time real soon and it will not be just the United States.

Guarantee that the powers that be have the facts on just how this virus started, where, when and who..

Why ... would be another important question ?
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Legio patria nostra

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

This is so sad. After only ten days, the Taliban has seized most of Afghanistan. And now we’re rushing our troops to evacuate the US Embassy. It reminds me of the evacuation of the Embassy in Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. All the lives lost and money spent for nothing.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

This is so sad. After only ten days, the Taliban has seized most of Afghanistan. And now we’re rushing our troops to evacuate the US Embassy. It reminds me of the evacuation of the Embassy in Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. All the lives lost and money spent for nothing.
Exactly like Saigon

El Correcto

god is dead

This is so sad. After only ten days, the Taliban has seized most of Afghanistan. And now we’re rushing our troops to evacuate the US Embassy. It reminds me of the evacuation of the Embassy in Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. All the lives lost and money spent for nothing.
This wasn’t even that big of a deal to keep forces in Afghanistan, the war was basically over. What he has done here is thrown away 20 years of progress paid for in blood by Americans for a cheap political win. This is where me and the Trump/Libertarian right always will disagree, I strongly disagreed with trump and Trump supporters about this rhetoric when they espoused it, this is why. What Biden did is selfish and reckless.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
This wasn’t even that big of a deal to keep forces in Afghanistan, the war was basically over. What he has done here is thrown away 20 years of progress paid for in blood by Americans for a cheap political win. This is where me and the Trump/Libertarian right always will disagree, I strongly disagreed with trump and Trump supporters about this rhetoric when they espoused it, this is why. What Biden did is selfish and reckless.
At least keep the air base! We’re still in Korea, Germany and Japan

El Correcto

god is dead
At least keep the air base! We’re still in Korea, Germany and Japan
People act like nation building doesn’t work, while living in a post world war 2 globe where Japan and Europe are allies of democracy. The greatest generation paid an even heavier price for that, these people are merely wishing away problems and kicking it down to the next generation.

Cowards condemning their grandchildren to fight the wars they refused to.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
People act like nation building doesn’t work, while living in a post world war 2 globe where Japan and Europe are allies of democracy. The greatest generation paid an even heavier price for that, these people are merely wishing away problems and kicking it down to the next generation.

Cowards condemning their grandchildren to fight the wars they refused to.
Not sure if democracy will work in a Stone Age country made up of tribes but we wasted 20 years 1 trillion plus dollars and thousands of lives por nada! We need intelligence on that region, it’s close to Russia and western China too. They are going to move in now.
Not sure if democracy will work in a Stone Age country made up of tribes but we wasted 20 years 1 trillion plus dollars and thousands of lives por nada! We need intelligence on that region, it’s close to Russia and western China too. They are going to move in now.
Russia already tried that. They even warned us it was a useless endeavor.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Not sure if democracy will work in a Stone Age country made up of tribes but we wasted 20 years 1 trillion plus dollars and thousands of lives por nada! We need intelligence on that region, it’s close to Russia and western China too. They are going to move in now.
The Chinese are already trying to wriggle their way in.