
Box Ox

Well-Known Member
trump negotiated the withdraw from Afghanistan with the Taliban. That should have gave President Biden a clue as how much of a bad decision it was.

I'm wondering if Trump would have better planned for the issuance of Special Immigrant Visas to our Afghan partners. Maybe not. The way the Biden administration has handled it is independent of anything the Trump administration did and has been an absolute :censored2:ing disaster.


Legio patria nostra
trump negotiated the withdraw from Afghanistan with the Taliban. That should have gave President Biden a clue as how much of a bad decision it was.
You have NO idea about what you’re talking about.
Biden completely pulled the troops, air, contractors….
That was not the plan.
Biden completely :censored2:ed this up.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I'm wondering if Trump would have better planned for the issuance of Special Immigrant Visas to our Afghan partners. Maybe not. The way the Biden administration has handled is independent of anything the Trump administration did it is an absolute *ing disaster.
Remember how long Obama blamed Bush? For 8 years anything that went wrong they blamed Bush. It’s what Democrats do, evade responsibility. They suck!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if Trump would have better planned for the issuance of Special Immigrant Visas to our Afghan partners. Maybe not. The way the Biden administration has handled it is independent of anything the Trump administration did and has been an absolute *ing disaster.
You mean like the way trump handled the pandemic? "Don't worry, everything will be fine."


Well-Known Member
You mean like the way trump handled the pandemic? "Don't worry, everything will be fine."
Worry never changed a damn thing for the good.

But it seem's to be a fairly equal slate since Ole Hammerin Joe from Scranton, the Corn Pop Killer showed up to turn the tide.

And Ole Joe from Scranton, well Ole Joe brought three vaccines with him too, worked on em the whole time himself instead of campaigning.

It'sa mircle the Ole Corn Pop Assassin done all by hisself inis basement jus for us'ins.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Anything Trump did was reversed. This administration, and really all these idiots are administering are death blows to American culture, the economy, our liberty our school system our military and so on. It’s more like a circus 🎪, because the cabinet is made up of incompetent clowns that were picked not for their skills but because they were a certain shade or sexual identity, perversion or whacked out ideology.
It won’t end well, I have seen and heard pretty liberal Democrats, not left wingers, just liberals, begin to question what’s going on not only with this constantly shifting narrative on the virus but also the invasion at the border and other ridiculous policies. Now Afghanistan is crumbling because of the idiot in chiefs ineptitude. If they lose the liberals, and I think they know they are losing support from them, they’re finished. That’s why they’re ramming everything through as fast as they can.
Even the sheep are starting to take notice of the stunning incompetence of these clowns. Scumbags
Anything Trump did was reversed. This administration, and really all these idiots are administering are death blows to American culture, the economy, our liberty our school system our military and so on. It’s more like a circus 🎪, because the cabinet is made up of incompetent clowns that were picked not for their skills but because they were a certain shade or sexual identity, perversion or whacked out ideology.
It won’t end well, I have seen and heard pretty liberal Democrats, not left wingers, just liberals, begin to question what’s going on not only with this constantly shifting narrative on the virus but also the invasion at the border and other ridiculous policies. Now Afghanistan is crumbling because of the idiot in chiefs ineptitude. If they lose the liberals, and I think they know they are losing support from them, they’re finished. That’s why they’re ramming everything through as fast as they can.
Even the sheep are starting to take notice of the stunning incompetence of these clowns. Scumbags
So much rubbish and so little time to debunk. Time to get outside.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Worry never changed a damn thing for the good.

But it seem's to be a fairly equal slate since Ole Hammerin Joe from Scranton, the Corn Pop Killer showed up to turn the tide.

And Ole Joe from Scranton, well Ole Joe brought three vaccines with him too, worked on em the whole time himself instead of campaigning.

It'sa mircle the Ole Corn Pop Assassin done all by hisself inis basement jus for us'ins.
It’s a miracle! Hallelujah!