Annoy tooner, or BAO and why?I'd almost vote for Obama just to annoy you.
Annoy tooner, or BAO and why?I'd almost vote for Obama just to annoy you.
I'd almost vote for Obama just to annoy you.
He said, " work hell no I aint working, I got things to do, I dont need to work, I get a check and food and rent help, I dont need no damn job" Those are the types who will vote for Obama, probaly never voted before, but they will vote now. Big ole Obama sign in the yard. The rest of you, I just dont know what is wrong with you, just nuts I guess.
My thoughts exactly. People like typically, but not always, support democratic/liberal candidates. And why wouldn't they? As if that type of person knows the difference between a democrat and a republican other than the theory that democrats are supposedly "looking out for the poor guy." LOL! All they know is that republicans are a bunch of rich racists that steal from the poor. LOL! That is who will vote for Obama. The others that will vote for him......what the hell is wrong with you? LOL!
I understand, being that you are of the Republican persuassion, I'm guessing you haven't paid attention to the demographics or the social and racial inclinations of democrat voters during the Obama vs Clinton primaries? Allow me to refresh you the types of voters these two canidates were attracting......
Barack----Younger people, college students, white college educated working class, Blacks, rich liberals and hollywood types, unions workers.
Clinton----Women, senior citizens, white working class, blue collar and poor whites with obvious racial issues, and hispanics
did you type that with a straight face? I gotsta know?
Great posting, problem is those who need to know dont want to know.
Rich racists. There is just so much wrong with your thinking, I cant begin to try to help you. I never said a thing about race. Quite presumptious of you to use such a term towards someone with a different view.
I did hear the demographic thing. Go to the inner city and tell me that is so. Yes you are all nuts.
did you type that with a straight face? I gotsta know?
You really gotsta know?
Dirty Harry
I'm proud to be a "shell" and keep the "nuts" contained !!!
I understand, being that you are of the Republican persuassion, I'm guessing you haven't paid attention to the demographics or the social and racial inclinations of democrat voters during the Obama vs Clinton primaries? Allow me to refresh you the types of voters these two canidates were attracting......
Barack----Younger people, college students, white college educated working class, Blacks, rich liberals and hollywood types, unions workers.
Clinton----Women, senior citizens, white working class, blue collar and poor whites with obvious racial issues, and hispanics
But what do we know.....were all nuts
The problem with your theory Big A is there's not enough rich racists' to win a general election so they recruit those not so financially fortunate types in generally red states in the heartland and the midwest who are told by their Republican Reps and support groups that Democrats are coming to take your gun and baby Jesus away. So they convince them to vote Republican eventhough they outsourced the good paying jobs out of the area and or country and supplemented them with lesser paying jobs that the illegal immigrants are taking which is not helping your racial profiling theory. In other words, the poor are stealing jobs from the middle class because of sub-par middle class wages, yet they blindly support the rich fat-cats in charge who doesn't give a rat's about their economic security except for empty promises come election year. But all is still have your home security to cling to...Smith and Wesson....until the bank comes knocking on the door, and then you have to move out and sleep next to baby Jesus on the floor at the local church while the preacher and the local townspeople suggest "vote Republican" . is a good example of liberal ranting. Its also a good example of allot of assumptions disguised as facts. In this case I can't even tell who his responses are aimed at even though he claims its in response to something I said. Just doesn't make since. I guess if liberals could stick to the facts instead of letting their emotions lead them into a bunch of psycho babble then maybe they would make since once in a while. LOL! I guess thats why some people say "Liberals deal in emotion. Conservatives deal in facts."