Bargaining in good faith.

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
You must be a busy beaver working at UPS and practicing Labor law.
Who on earth are you talking to. Be honest think for a minute, wait for it, yes theres the truth... Everyone Who Is A Teamster At UPS is practicing labor law just to keep their job. Some of us fight management others unfortunately must fight our own union. Its just called another day in brown

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
Wait, wait, wait. The company did nothing wrong! Oh i get it only in accepting a contract that, even though it will disenfranchise the workforce benefits the shareholders. Sure the company did nothing wrong in that i agree! They got a Christmas gift that will keep on giving for decades to come.
Did they bargain in good faith, all the information we have, go back to news from January & February of this year, I dont see it. Were they better at negotiations, more nuanced in mental manipulation, techniques of how to stear a conversation so that your opponent believes that they come up with what you actually wanted the outcome to be. So much so that your opponent becomes a champion for your cause! Yes!
Thats why we put it to a vote.
Its telling how much this contract will negatively impact, our and future UPSers lives that despite the Union and Company "appearing to be in collusion" working so hard together for a clear victory, it still Had To Be Ratified Not Passed by a vote.
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Why can't we all just get along?
You guys got screwed, but it’s not the company’s fault. They presented a contract, the union put it to vote, and the union shoved it down your throats.
I'm just a lowly On Road Sup, but I knew about the less than 50% 2/3's. And you think the company didn't? You sir, are a jackass.


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to find out if there was a third disinterested party that counted the votes...perhaps with government oversight to assure some votes didn't get "lost" and some weren't counted 3 or 4 times.

Surely someone knows...


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to find out if there was a third disinterested party that counted the votes...perhaps with government oversight to assure some votes didn't get "lost" and some weren't counted 3 or 4 times.

Surely someone knows...

Still no answer?
No one knows?
Where are all the big union people?


Inordinately Right
Still no answer?
No one knows?
Where are all the big union people?
The third party who "counted" the electronic votes was an unrelated company with nothing to gain and everything to lose of it wasn't done correctly.

Now, who is responsible for determining the total number of eligible voters is a different story. Doubt they could have fudged those numbers enough to make a difference, but who knows....


The third party who "counted" the electronic votes was an unrelated company with nothing to gain and everything to lose of it wasn't done correctly.

Now, who is responsible for determining the total number of eligible voters is a different story. Doubt they could have fudged those numbers enough to make a difference, but who knows....

Hasn’t ballot point done nothing but union elections? I thought I had heard or read that somewhere.


Inordinately Right
I think maybe I seen that here? I’m not sure. I don’t see a company that does that throwing the results. But who knows.
Well it looks like ballot point is a union company and their union merged with the IBT in 2004.

So, I dunno... Hold on, let me go get my tin foil hat I'll get back to you. Seriously though, nothing would surprise me.