Ben Carson


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Only a complete idiot would attempt to call someone as brilliant as Carson an idiot. you don't own that right. If this was Hillary saying this trivial crap you would licking her boots and slobbering all over her feet.
It would be wonderful if someone could gain access to Johns Hopkins medical records. They KNOW there's something wrong with him but medical confidentiality laws prevent them from speaking up. I don't understand that. It doesn't keep them from telling our insurance companies, nurses, aides, etc. everything under the sun that's wrong with us. It seems the public is the only one that doesn't get to know when there's something seriously wrong with someone running for president.


Well-Known Member
It would be wonderful if someone could gain access to Johns Hopkins medical records. They KNOW there's something wrong with him but medical confidentiality laws prevent them from speaking up. I don't understand that. It doesn't keep them from telling our insurance companies, nurses, aides, etc. everything under the sun that's wrong with us. It seems the public is the only one that doesn't get to know when there's something seriously wrong with someone running for president.

Don't worry the media is tied up counting the number of times Carson jay walked , i'm sure they'll go on this fishing expedition next.

just proves the liberal media is scared to death of what a black conservative could do to the democrats base of voters of color that presently blindly throw their vote away every four years.



golden ticket member


Staff member
Everybody talks about how smart and charming Carson is. Trump talks about how Caron writes about how he (Carson) is pathological. It's fascinating the people who share these three traits.