Rights are something you have, they are not earned. Military and police protection of those rights are earned through tax payments. If you don't work and don't pay taxes, you are not earning police and military protection, they are a gift, or you are leech on the system, being supported by everyone around you. Someone pays for those things, they are not free, you haven't earned them just by being born.
I said this in a response to
@Whither, all types of societies are obligative to one degree or another. It's the social contract theory. A contract exists not only between the government and the governed (the constitution), but a theoretical one exists between/among the people to each other. If you are not doing something to earn what you have, someone else is. You are obligated to participate in a helpful and meaningful way within the society to share in the benefits of being part of that society.
Philosophical communism suggests that people will just do so out of the kindness of their hearts. That's the promised utopia waved around by party communists to get people on board. If it ever comes to fruition, it almost immediately breaks down once real human nature kicks in. People believe they are entitled to whatever is promised regardless of how much they work to earn it. Some stop working, then whole industries. Then the government, who owns the industries due to socialism, forces the people back to work in labor camps. Dissidents are sent to the labor camps, political rivals are executed or sent to the labor camps. The promise is that once they purge the undeserving, and they have the right leadership, the utopia will be realized.
Libertarianism, or classical liberalism if you prefer, takes real human nature into consideration, and realizes that people need an incentive to participate meaningfully in society. Market economies are so efficient, and generate enough wealth, that they can tolerate and subsidize quite a large number of social programs. But those programs aren't free, they were earned by someone. Generally lots of someones. So, go do your part to earn what you get, and if you want more, work harder or smarter.