Bernie Sanders and the establishment DNC


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I got a text today from the Bernie Campaign....


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the mask is off. the establishment dems want to keep dialing for corporate dollars:

Glenn Greenwald Retweeted

Osita Nwanevu

Democratic Leaders Willing to Lose the Election to Stop Bernie Sanders

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Glenn Greenwald

Exactly: the Democratic establishment would be making clear they prefer to lose to Trump than loosen their grip of control over the party by uniting behind the candidate that got the most votes and delegates. It would be a tragic moment but one that would be very illuminating:
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Charles M. Blow
· 12h
If Bernie made it to the convention with a plurality of the delegates but not a majority and was denied the nomination, it would rip the party apart, plain and simple. Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders


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Glenn Greenwald

Hey Tom Perez & DNC corporate funders: totally go ahead & wheel out Walter Mondale & other Super-Delegates to steal the nomination from Sanders by doling out “electability” sermons & let us know how that works out. Your goal is to keep control of the party, not to beat Trump.

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Glenn Greenwald

The Dem establishment would rather lose to Trump and have him be President for 4 more years than lose control of the Party by supporting Sanders if he wins the most votes & most delegates. Their “electability” concerns are a fraud, just like they are. It’s about control & money:

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Glenn Greenwald

The same establishment Dem politicians who claim to believe Trump is a fascist dictator existential threat to the Republic are now admitting they’re willing to blow up the Party to rob Sanders of the nomination if he acrues a plurality but not a majority

Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders
Interviews with dozens of Democratic Party officials, including 93 superdelegates, found overwhelming opposition to handing Mr. Sanders the nomination if he fell short of a majority of delegates.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I think they will go with Bernie.
No one is going to beat Trump and they know it.
They will prop Bernie up and let an idiot take the fall.


Well-Known Member
I think they will go with Bernie.
No one is going to beat Trump and they know it.
They will prop Bernie up and let an idiot take the fall.
It’s somewhat symmetrical to what Trump did to the GOP establishment in 2016. Bernie is the wild card to do it to the Dem Establishment in 2020.