In some sense about the same as Bernie Sanders on the other side albeit Sanders is a bit more dignified. Both act as a kind of gate keeper. But Trump wants something. He has a price and once that price is met, he will disappear like a fart in the wind. Bernie does too but my guess is Bernie's costs less.
Other than that, Trump is much like the center ring at Ringling Bros. when the iconic clown car drives out to the center ring and we watch, transfixed in amazement at just how much comes out but at some point the car empties and the show must go on.
So out come the acrobats and the high wire acts and we forget all about the clown car. Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, please now direct your attention.................Trump will become yesterday's news and both parties will hand pick who they want and neither will come from a clown car.
As to the bigger issue, Hedges is right in that some measure of mass rebellion and revolt is going to be needed in order to turn this ship from its present course. The 2 party state fears any threat of mass voter exodus because inside that construct the outcomes are controlled regardless who wins. Begin to break that and you might force the beast to show its teeth and then a whole lot more people see it and like a snow ball rolling down hill, the growth begins to grow beyond control.
Hedges interview with Paul Jay discussing Thomas Paine IMO was so timely and so dead on.
"Men must have the right of choice, even to choose wrong, if he shall ever learn to choose right." ~ Josiah Wedgwood