bernie sanders for prez pushing socialist worker cooperatives


Well-Known Member
To hear you guys talk you'd think we're all Russian serfs. Imagine the U.S. with an aristocracy that demanded it's people turn over a large percentage of it's labor to them. People having to survive on what's left, living in shacks with no plumbing or electricity. And if they dared to raise a hand against the system the military would brutally crack down on dissenters. That's the reason communism took hold in Russia and spread everywhere a peasant population subsisted to support elites living off of them like ticks. Ultimately communism failed because the new elite became no better than the old when they realized their policies didn't work but they wanted to retain power and the perks that came with it. So either people revolted again or were given much more freedom to incorporate capitalism to prevent complete loss of power. Meanwhile in our corner of the world socialists would have us believe that the average man on the street is suffering like Russian serfs or Nicaraguan peasants and must revolt. What is wrong with our system isn't our ability to feed, clothe, and house ourselves. It's putting the love of money above all else and characterizing lives as meaningless and worthless the less they have of it. And telling the lie that our lives will be so much better if we revolt against those who have more rather than working towards having more by improving our skills. And judging by how many supported Bernie Sanders the lies have taken root in our younger generations. If they can't have what others have through intellect and hard work then they want to tear it down until no one has more than they. Meanwhile they play their Xbox on their giant screen tv's while glancing at their handheld super computers also known as phones, lamenting they're no better off than Russian serfs.
alot of what you said applies to america.

you can look up stats on inequality, foreclosures, poverty, hunger, its all there.

the young very smartly voted for bernie because the economy is radically worse for them than their parents.

if you get past the terms socialist/capitalist / communist and ask your self if your in favor of smaller or larger businesses and do you want more worker control or less worker control, or more unions or less unions.


Well-Known Member
alot of what you said applies to america.

you can look up stats on inequality, foreclosures, poverty, hunger, its all there.

the young very smartly voted for bernie because the economy is radically worse for them than their parents.

if you get past the terms socialist/capitalist / communist and ask your self if your in favor of smaller or larger businesses and do you want more worker control or less worker control, or more unions or less unions.
The revolts that overthrew aristocracy in Europe were due to conditions much, much worse than what we have in the States. And only in countries in Europe that have small populations supported by oil like Norway or culturally very industrious populations like Germany can you say that the average person has a better quality of life. It certainly isn't better across the board over there and in many places they envy the U.S..


Well-Known Member
The revolts that overthrew aristocracy in Europe were due to conditions much, much worse than what we have in the States. And only in countries in Europe that have small populations supported by oil like Norway or culturally very industrious populations like Germany can you say that the average person has a better quality of life. It certainly isn't better across the board over there and in many places they envy the U.S..
sure but things are getting worse all the time in US and protests may become more frequent.

theres alot in common with what you described and america.

and im not sure about which countries have worse quality of life than america and canada. id guess spain, greece. alot of them are better. america has no protections. canada has some.

if you get past the terms socialist/capitalist / communist and ask your self if your in favor of smaller or larger businesses and do you want more worker control or less worker control, or more unions or less unions???


golden ticket member
I'm not defending carbon offsets.
I'm simply pointing out that you need a dictionary.

If someone proposes using carbon offsets, and then they use carbon offsets, that doesn't make them a hypocrite.
I have a dictionary....Thorndike Barnhart Comprehensive Desk Dictionary (1967) Yes, if you look up dabbing or dab it will read,,,,,touch lightly or pat with something soft. It doesn't have "made-up" words and phrases in it!!!


Inordinately Right
I have a dictionary....Thorndike Barnhart Comprehensive Desk Dictionary (1967) Yes, if you look up dabbing or dab it will read,,,,,touch lightly or pat with something soft. It doesn't have "made-up" words and phrases in it!!!
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