First time poster, Reader since i worked as a seasonal driver helper in November 2013. I recently got re-hired as a preloader March 2014 and i'm 2 weeks away from gaining seniority.
I'm looking forward to a successful career with UPS.
Dry hands... I'm sure this is a problem many UPSers have run into. Myself being a man known for legendary soft hands by the local ladies, have been put under the spell of dry hands. Handling 1000+ packages leaves my hands black and dry by the time i clock out. For those who use lotion for dry hands from work (or whatever other endeavors your lotion helps you with). I need a good recommendation for hand/body lotion that will keep my hands nice and tender for the ladies.
Thank you guys for all the info that has helped me through the beginning of my UPS Career, i look forward to being a part of the BrownCafe Community.