Had a route in Texas that I loved. Manager added a Wal-Mart distribution center pickup to it that made it more difficult but doable. Then decided he could eliminate a route on our loop and spread it's stops amongst the rest of us. I got a bunch of rural deliveries spread way out in the next county. The route went insane. I ran like crazy to get a half hour lunch in by 1730 then drove back an hour to make truck. Truck pulled at 1910, often didn't get back with a full 700 until 1850, even later sometimes. I didn't like having to run all day to start lunch at 1630 or later and didn't like getting a half hour. You'll probably say if you start lunch at 1630, take a half hour, then you're back by 1800, what's the problem? To make service I often had to bypass P-2 and do them after lunch. So some days 1630, some days as late as 1730 starting lunch.
I complained to director when he visited. POed senior who scheduled an engineer to ride with me to fix route so that I would run it properly and get my lunch in. Engineer said my area was too big and disjointed as was with no flow to it. Couldn't be fixed. Did they take stops off me? No. Too bad for me. So I transferred. And they broke up the route after I did.
I posted this because once again you're making snarky remarks in typical manager fashion as if it's the courier's problem. I've known some highly competent managers over the years. But most of them will never know a route as well as the courier running it. And most of them assume if there's a problem it's the courier running it that's causing it. And most managers I've known couldn't run a route properly to save their lives. What bothered me most about working for FedEx besides the pay and pension issues was having to constantly put up with this garbage in light of what they also did to us with the pay and pension. Would have been much easier to take if we'd been paid better and had a better retirement plan.