Biden - Tology


golden ticket member
So, I make $60 grand in one day on Apple options and $48 grand another day......No, I'm not getting out of the stock market either!!!!!!!!!!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It is possible that I am a good guy and a bad business owner. The bottom line does not dictate all decisions. In fact, I try for as long as possible to ignore the bottom line because the decisions I make really can and do affect my employees. And no, big government is not the complete answer but I am just as certain big business and their obsession is part of the problem.

I am going to disagree with you again! You are not a bad business owner. You have been doing this for 18 years! But I do think that the bottom line affects your decision. You just decide how much you want to except as profit. In essence, what you can afford. If you don't make a profit, at some point you go out of business.

I think what you are doing based on your post is noble and the right thing to do! But you are not alone, and as you know, a business can be all consuming. I remember complaining to my brother about the hours I was working and calculated my pay into about $4 an hour. He was struggling at the time and his business was about 6 months from closing the doors. He shared with me that he was working 80 hour work weeks and paying $30,000 a month to keep the doors open. He said if things don't improve I will have to shut the doors in about 6 months left. That really put it in perspective for me.

Sometimes, you really have to walk in someone else's shoes to get the picture. Business owners should be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor at some point. They should not be demonized. Someone who takes advantage of the people who work for them will get it in the end.

On a side note, take UPS, a company who contributes to the community they belong to. Forget about United Way, how about the scholarships, support for employee charities on a local basis. Events that UPSers contribute their time and skill - such as building homes for HABITAT. What about disaster relief using our expertise in logistics and transportation to aid communities. Where does that money come from? It also affects the bottom line. It is a conscious decision to be an upstanding community member.


golden ticket member
I wonder if it's a "snap-on smile".


Snap-on-Smile Review and Cost

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The word "invest" is obama's word for spend more and tax more.

Just replace "invest" with "spend" every time obama says it.


Well-Known Member
SENATOR SCOTT BROWN, the former GOP posterboy.. is in REAL TROUBLE in his re election campaign!! Seems he is paying homeless people to wear shirts for his campaign! BLACK homeless people...!! talk about slavery. Scott Brown pays homeless $8 an hour to campaign in black areas | theGrio No wonder he now trails by 9 points against Elizabeth Warren. What a :censored2:! Peace TOS
Again, does someone just have to follow you around and debunk all your misinformation???---Scott Brown is only down 2.5%, again from a source you used to use until the truth became too inconvenient for you. RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Massachusetts Senate - Brown vs. Warren ...Oh, and by the way at least Scott is providing jobs----That's much more than we can say about Obama!! LMAO!!



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Joe thinks our military served in Iran. I really think he may be in the first stage of Alzheimer's ...
and there were a bunch of other uber geneses raising their hands including the leader of the senate... what's his name.


golden ticket member
Joe thinks our military served in Iran. I really think he may be in the first stage of Alzheimer's ...
and there were a bunch of other uber geneses raising their hands including the leader of the senate... what's his name.
See,I told you so.....however Dave said it was ridiculous.
The old man is nice enough, but he needs to retire quickly!! Harry Reid's thinking is in question too!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Joe thinks our military served in Iran. I really think he may be in the first stage of Alzheimer's ...
and there were a bunch of other uber geneses raising their hands including the leader of the senate... what's his name.

Well, I'm sure he can spell, and doesn't believe in astrology.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Another Alzheimer moment for Joe. He was in Ohio and referred to being in Iowa.

In the video you have to look at some of the people who had an this goofy look on their face and started to look around.