Biden - Tology


golden ticket member
He needs a lock-up situation.....

Via The Blaze:
The father of one of the former Navy SEALs killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya says President Barack Obama wouldn’t even look him in the eye during the ceremony and Vice President Joe Biden was disrespectful when his son’s body returned to America. He also says the White House’s story on the attack doesn’t pass the smell test.

Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, called into “The Glenn Beck Program” on TheBlazeTV Thursday and recounted his interactions with the president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden at the ceremony for the victims at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. He told host Glenn Beck that what they told him, coupled with new reports that indicate the Obama administration knew very good and well, almost immediately, that a terrorist attack was occurring in Benghazi, make him certain that the American people are not getting the whole truth.

Vice President Biden, as he as become known to do, reportedly made a wildly inappropriate comment to the father who had just buried his hero son.

Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”
“Are these the words of someone who is sorry?” said Woods.


Well-Known Member
Biden states Romney is planning a 500 TRILLION TAX cut for 128,000 families ?????? When does Joe stop being "cute"

He is an idiot that is one breath away from the Presidency !!!!

Obama is President and stated on Leno that Math above the seventh grade confused him !!! Is it any wonder the country cannot get out of this financial mess ???:sick:


golden ticket member
Biden states Romney is planning a 500 TRILLION TAX cut for 128,000 families ?????? When does Joe stop being "cute"

He is an idiot that is one breath away from the Presidency !!!!

Obama is President and stated on Leno that Math above the seventh grade confused him !!! Is it any wonder the country cannot get out of this financial mess ???:sick:
See, I don't think they cover budgets 'til after the 7th grade. Explains a whole lot !!


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden to Father of Former Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi: ‘Did Your Son Always Have Balls the
Size of Cue Balls?’

The father of one of the former Navy SEALs killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in
Benghazi, Libya says President Barack Obama wouldn’t even look him in the eye and
Vice President Joe Biden was disrespectful during the ceremony when his son’s body returned to America.
He also says the White House’s story on the attack doesn’t pass the smell test

Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, called into “The Glenn Beck Program” on TheBlazeTV Thursday and
recounted his interactions with the president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden at the ceremony
for the Libya victims at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.

Vice President Biden, as he has become known to do, reportedly made a wildly inappropriate comment to
the father who had just lost his hero son.

Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always
have balls the size of cue balls?”

“Are these the words of someone who is sorry?” said Woods.

They sound to me like the words of someone who sounds mentally unstable. And someone who
should not be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

The grieving father also described his brief encounter with President Obama during the
ceremony for the Libya victims.

“When he finally came over to where we were, I could tell that he was rather conflicted, a
person who was not at peace with himself,” Woods said. “Shaking hands with him, quite
frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he
would not look me in the eye, his eyes were over my shoulder.”

“I could tell that he was not sorry,” he added. “He had no remorse.” …

Charles Woods Discusses His Son Tyrone Woods and Benghazi Attack With Glenn Beck | Video |



Well-Known Member
The awesomeness will be when Obama and Romney tie in the Electoral College, the House picks Romney as President, and the Senate picks Biden as VP.

Let the games begin!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I dont care what side you are on. balls the size of cue balls????????????. Well actually if he knew anything cue balls arent that big. Balls that clank or something would have been more coherent. In any case, as usual the gift that keeps giving. shot off his oversized mouth with another gaff. Imagine someone saying that to you about your son, that just died, time and place people, time and place. Not the time or the place.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
See,I told you so.....however Dave said it was ridiculous.
The old man is nice enough, but he needs to retire quickly!! Harry Reid's thinking is in question too!
Crap, Harry Reid got rear ended today. Maybe it jarred something loose, they said he was coherent at the hospital.


golden ticket member
Does this mean he doesn't think Obama has a "big stick" anymore ???

Biden's Latest Gaffe May Lose Him VP Spot in 2012 - Yahoo! News


golden ticket member
Biden Flubs VA Senate Candidate Tim Kaine's Name - Yahoo! News

Biden Flubs VA Senate Candidate Tim Kaine's Name

LYNCHBURG, Va. - Vice President Joe Biden mixed up the name of the Democratic Senate candidate in Virginia today, calling him by the wrong first name not once, but twice.
"I want to tell you, it's good to be in a state that's going to be represented by Tim Kaine. What a guy! There is a decent honorable man. That man has more integrity in his little finger than most people have in their whole body. I'm a big Tom Kaine fan, a big Tom Kaine fan," Biden said at the Lynchburg City Armory.

In May, the vice president headlined a fundraiser for Kaine, a former governor of Virginia who is running for the Senate seat in Virginia against Republican George Allen, also a former Virginia governor. Kaine also served as the chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2009 to 2011.

The Romney campaign was quick to highlight the vice president's flub, circulating a video of the forgetful moment on Twitter.

"Vice President Biden forgot the name of his own Virginia Democratic Senate nominee and he wants voters to forget about President Obama's failed economic policies and lack of a real agenda for a second term," Ryan Williams, spokesman for Romney, said in a statement.
"Once again, Mitt Romney's campaign is showing their focus on the big things - like one letter in Tim Kaine's name.
If they put as much time and effort into their policies, maybe we'd finally have an answer for how they'd pay for $5 trillion in tax cuts weighted to the very wealthy," Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said in a statement.

Earlier in the week, Biden mistakenly said he was in Iowa while campaigning in Ohio.
Biden, who was accompanied by his wife Dr. Jill Biden, initially was scheduled to hold an additional event in Virginia Beach, Va., today, but the campaign cancelled the event "out of an abundance of caution to ensure that all local law enforcement and emergency management resources can stay focused on ensuring the safety of people who might be impacted by the storm."

The vice president was supposed to be joined today by his son Beau, the attorney general of Delaware and a member of the Delaware National Guard, but Beau Biden had to return home to Delaware to help the National Guard prepare for the impending storm.

"On behalf of our son Beau, he's the attorney general of Delaware and a national guard member, he was literally - drove down from Wilmington, was sitting in Air Force 2 as we were about to take off, and we're in the car coming from the residence to the plane. He called me and said 'Dad, the governor just called up the National Guard, I'm going home.' So he apologizes for not being here, he wanted to be here," Biden said.
Biden spoke to a crowd of 1,500, according to the city's deputy fire marshal, and railed against what he said was the Republican ticket's flip-flopping, saying Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan are hoping voters will have "amnesia" on Election Day.

"And now the governor is running away from everything he said in the last year and a half and the congressman is running away from everything he voted for. I mean I'm not making this up. This is real," Biden said. "They're counting on the American people to have an overwhelming case of amnesia on November the 6 th."



golden ticket member
Subject: FW: Arrogance of Joe Biden

Every Friday the vice president takes a helicopter designated as Marine Two from the vice president’s residence in northwest Washington to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland . He then hops on Air Force Two to fly back to his home in Delaware . At the end of the weekend, he returns on Air Force Two, usually a Boeing C-32.

On Saturdays in warm weather, Biden regularly returns to Andrews on the airplane to play golf at the base with President Obama. After the game, he flies back to Delaware . On Sunday evening, he returns on the plane to Washington — all at taxpayer expense.

The Boeing C-32 is a specially configured Boeing 757-200 commercial jet. The cost of flying the plane is $22,000 an hour, so each half-hour trip to or from Delaware costs about $10,000. Each golf game costs taxpayers $20,000. At that rate, the annual cost to taxpayers of Biden’s weekend trips is well over $1 million. That does not include so-called deadhead flights when the plane often flies back to Washington empty and then returns empty to pick up Biden.

In addition, the Secret Service rents more than 20 condominiums in the Wilmington area for agents who must accompany Biden when he returns to his home state. Rather than try to find hotel space, the Secret Service decided to rent the condos in part because, even when he knows his schedule in advance, Biden rarely tells agents until the last minute when he will be returning to Wilmington beyond his weekend trips. As a result, agents cannot plan their own lives.

A Secret Service agent says that since Air Force Two parks at Andrews, Obama is obviously aware that Biden is running up a huge government tab for each game of golf they play.

Biden’s press office had no comment. Asked if President Obama thinks these costs are appropriate and why he has not questioned Biden’s flying to play golf with him at a cost of $20,000 per game, the president’s press office had no comment.

Biden’s commutes have cost taxpayers at least $4 million so far. After my story ran on Newsmax, a major media outlet obtained Pentagon records confirming the trips and costs. But so far, that outlet has not run the story. The rest of the media have ignored it.

In addition to his salary as vice president of $230,700, Biden has free use of the vice president’s residence at the Naval Observatory. The vice president’s residence is a handsome 9,150-square-foot, three-story mansion overlooking
Massachusetts Avenue NWin Washington .

Complete with pool, pool house, and indoor gym, the white brick house was built in 1893 as the home of the superintendent of the U.S. Naval Observatory. Congress turned it into the official residence of the vice president in 1974 and gave it the address
One Observatory Circle.

During the day, at least five Navy stewards attend to every personal need of the second family, including cleaning, cooking, shopping for food, and doing the laundry.

Biden has portrayed himself as a regular Joe, a product of a working-class family who takes on millionaires and Republicans who are said to be out of touch with middle-class Americans. Last June, Obama appointed Biden to root out wasteful government spending. But behind the scenes, it’s a different matter.

Biden’s disregard for the cost of constantly shuttling back and forth to his home in Wilmington and his additional trips to golf with the president betray the arrogant, contemptuous attitude we saw him display toward Ryan during the debate.

“The White House is a character crucible,” Bertram S. Brown, M.D., a psychiatrist who formerly headed the National Institute of Mental Health, told me for the Secret Service book. “It either creates or distorts character. Few decent people want to subject themselves to the kind of grueling abuse candidates take when they run in the first place,” says Dr. Brown.

“Even if an individual is balanced, once someone becomes president, how does one solve the conundrum of staying real and somewhat humble when one is surrounded by the most powerful office in the land, and from becoming overwhelmed by an, at times, pathological environment that treats you every day as an emperor?”

The vice president has chosen the emperor approach, revealing his true character.

Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of Newsmax . He is the New York Times best-selling author of books on the Secret Service, FBI, and CIA.