LOL. But when the minority kids (to hell with this politically correct BS), with blacks killing each other all the time for drugs and evil looks, that 2.75 kids becomes much lower as those kids TRY to grow up.
Also, with white's being the majority, would you say there are no black supremacist groups?
Majority or not, Haters gonna hate
Be interesting to see the source of TOS' numbers. Not that I'm expecting either.
White birthrates have been in decline for some time and below the replacement rate of 2.1 for close to 30 years. Current as of 2010' it stands at 1.8, still below replacement rate. Likely one of the reasons Social Security will have a bumpy ride through the "boomer" cycle.
African American birthrates have now joined whites below the replacement threshold and as of 2010' stand at 2.0 and if this is maintained, the African American population will decline just slightly slower than the white population.
Latina birthrates as of 2010' stood at 2.4 but the trend since 1990' has been downward from 3.0 in 1990' to 2.7 in 2000 to it's current level at 2.4. If the trend continues, by the end of the decade, Latinos will be at replacement rate of 2.1 meaning flat population or could even fall below that number.
source for above numbers
Remove the immigration numbers, both legal and illegal and the US population would have shrunk. This presents another dilemma for state central planners in that if they close the door to immigration and the population contracts, the economic repercussions could make out situation worse. Legalization of all illegals adds numbers to the books and help to balance the ledger sheet. When it comes to economics over ideology, economics will win every time so to the Queen Xenophobe and her loyal subjects out there, you've been warned.
Seems we have us a fine kettle of fish we've made for ourselves.
Now that this is out of the way, what does racial birthrates have to do with a motorcycle/car confrontation and who is at fault?