Bill O'Reilly becoming a Non-Factor


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
You should be happy Van, this is an example of the free market working. O'reily harassed countless women, got called on it, lost his advertisers and then his job. Go capitalism!

That is the free market. So is the so called alternative media. Even the alt media that lamblasts Bloviating Bill. As to capitalism, I don't conflate capitalism with free market as capitalism as we know it wants nothing to do with free market.


Well-Known Member
You should be happy Van, this is an example of the free market working. O'reily harassed countless women, got called on it, lost his advertisers and then his job. Go capitalism!
He didn't harass "countless" women. But he did bring it upon himself. When you know the Left has a bullseye on you then you'd better be above board in everything you do. The Left will defend "countless" slimeballs if they have a "D" next to their name but will relentlessly pursue any Republican that makes the slightest misstep or trips up innocently in their verbiage. Ask Sean Spicer.


Well-Known Member
Tucker is more of a straight news man. Good interviewer. No bloviating. Smart man and he's more effective without the wild rants of O'Reilly.
Fox News was built on O'Reilly and as of now there's no one close to him. Chris Wallace is amazing at what he does, but it's a different genre. And for all you bloviators Wallace is a registered Democrat. I like Tucker just fine, but Megan Kelly, if she had hung in there, would be the only one they had who'd fill Bill's shoes.


Nine Lives
Fox News was built on O'Reilly and as of now there's no one close to him. Chris Wallace is amazing at what he does, but it's a different genre. And for all you bloviators Wallace is a registered Democrat. I like Tucker just fine, but Megan Kelly, if she had hung in there, would be the only one they had who'd fill Bill's shoes.
I would not watch her either ... her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.


Well-Known Member
guy was a bully
Yeah, he went after judges who let child molesters off. He went after Congressmen who wouldn't vote for Kate's Law. He collected millions to get disabled vets special track powered wheelchairs. He donated all the profits he collected on his website to charity(and that has been independently verified numerous times). And on and on. He's a real bad dude.