Bin Laden


golden ticket member



Strength through joy
Kuma War Episode 107: Osama 2011

After months of surveillance and growing amounts of Intel, 79 Navy SEALs aboard two US Black Hawks and two more Chinooks cross into Pakistan under the cloak of darkness. The commandos quickly breech a secret compound, one designed for defense and manned by al Qaeda killers. In forty minutes and a rain of hot lead, a decades-long, worldwide manhunt for Osama Bin Laden will be ended... by you.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Kuma War Episode 107: Osama 2011

After months of surveillance and growing amounts of Intel, 79 Navy SEALs aboard two US Black Hawks and two more Chinooks cross into Pakistan under the cloak of darkness. The commandos quickly breech a secret compound, one designed for defense and manned by al Qaeda killers. In forty minutes and a rain of hot lead, a decades-long, worldwide manhunt for Osama Bin Laden will be ended... by you.

There is a virus attached to these files, I DONT SUGGEST anyone click on it.,,, MY anti virus detected it and prevented it from downloading.

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The Nim
There is a virus attached to these files, I DONT SUGGEST anyone click on it.,,, MY anti virus detected it and prevented it from downloading.


I clicked to confirm what you said. The first link was to the main website, it's a "wargames" site where they have a program to download and play... The second link was flagged as possibly harmful when I clicked on it.

It may be clean*false antivirus flag*, but I wouldn't risk it unless you're really interested to play such a game. Edit, and when I say really, I mean REALLY to the point you may be scrubbing your computer of malware later.


Well-Known Member
The U.S. government spent $2 trillion combating bin Laden over the past decade, more than 20 percent of the nation’s $9.68 trillion public debt. That money paid for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as additional military, intelligence and homeland security spending above pre-Sept. 11 trends, according to a Bloomberg analysis.
This year alone, taxpayers are spending more than $45 billion in interest on the money borrowed to battle al-Qaeda, the analysis shows.
The financial bleeding won’t stop with bin Laden’s demise. One of every four dollars in red ink the U.S. expects to incur in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 will result from $285 billion in annual spending triggered by the terrorist scion of a wealthy Saudi family.

Instead of $2Trilion spent over nearly 10 years, would a $50 billion dollar bounty have done the same thing and a lot quicker? And we'd have to see the body as proof to pay the bounty hunter? Since we'd already gone down the morality trail we choose, would this not have been a better allocation of resources? Thus should we really be questioning the smarts of the state to begin with?


Staff member
What's this I hear the Navy Seals are now afraid for their safety?

Big brave heroes when there's 40 of them against one unarmed old man in pajamas. Now they're scared of retaliation. Well, Duh!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I don't think this raid was about having a fair fight or capturing him to bring him to trial. It was simply to punish him for killing close to 3000 Americans on 9/11. None of those people had a fair chance at all. It would have been a nightmare if he was captured alive and brought to this country for trial. He deserved what he got, too bad it didn't happen sooner.


Staff member
I don't think this raid was about having a fair fight or capturing him to bring him to trial. It was simply to punish him for killing close to 3000 Americans on 9/11. None of those people had a fair chance at all. It would have been a nightmare if he was captured alive and brought to this country for trial. He deserved what he got, too bad it didn't happen sooner.
The last thing we needed was for this guy to out in a blaze of glory and make a martyr of himself.
Getting gunned down in his pajamas was a fitting end. You get what you give.


Well-Known Member
Already 80 dead in retaliation for OBLs killing. No doubt just the beginning. Was it worth it?

Only time will tell. The intelligence that was seized during the raid has proven to be invaluable. It would be naive for anyone to think that Pakistan was an innocent bystander. They knew all along that he was there. We also knew that there would be retaliation but if more lives are saved as a result of the raid than I would have to say that it was worth it.