Most people don't really know the differences between "newly created" or existing jobs that were vacated.
Or.... 22.3 jobs that were moved to maintain the sufficient number.... as per the contract.
In our building any vacant 22.3 and 22.2 positions are bid by classification, the 22.3 bids all have a number and year on them. The Company can change the job description and start times but cannot eliminate that full time position.
22.2 positions are protected but are on the same seniority list as the 22.3’s. That is why it is so important for the locals to have copies of completed bids...each one of them have the classification listed and the members who won them.
I asked the question before the forced ratification of the 2018 contract on how these new 22.4 positions were going to be bid...Our local did not know, turns out that they are being posted like extra work, a sign up list. Those positions were filled out mostly by off the street applicants, hardly any seniority part timers were interested or capable of a full time driving position. Originally everybody thought that these 22.4’s were going to be work inside and then drive (preload/driver), didn’t work out that way.