Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat


Strength through joy
  • Speaking with Sean Hannity on Monday night, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said nobody was outraged by previous incidents involving migrants until he sent just 50 to Martha's Vineyard last week
  • Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar ( D ) said he is conducting a criminal investigation into whether the migrants were lured to the Vineyard with false promises
  • Salazar did not mention DeSantis in a news conference announcing the investigation
  • The investigation comes as images emerged of a brochure given to the migrants describing assistance programs they would be receive on Martha's Vineyard
  • In both Spanish and English, the brochure described migrant benefits such as 'up to 8 months of cash assistance' and 'assistance with housing'



Well-Known Member
"DeSantis used taxpayer funds to charter a plane carrying about 50 immigrants from Venezuela and Colombia to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, in what was effectively a proof of concept of a Stormfront-derived talking point about alleged liberal hypocrisy. He didn't receive the "get off my lawn" response he was hoping for. Residents of the island instead rallied to help the new arrivals. (Which didn't stop Fox News from simply pretending that locals responded with the racist reaction DeSantis was hoping for.) Because of the speedy help offered by the people of Martha's Vineyard and the state of Massachusetts, in fact, lawyers brought in for pro bono assistance swiftly discovered the unbelievable levels of fraud that DeSantis' people had employed to make this stunt happen. "

Somebody is lying, and it isn't DeSantis. His people got signed consent forms from those 50. They already surmised what Dems might try and they crossed their t's and dotted their i's. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
That Conway/Sam Moore rendition was some good music, it's for you leftist as well, it will be the best your day today or tomorrow will offer you. Hep yourself, I promise not to call the national guard on youse.

THANK Me :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
No. Find it yourself. I'm just a dumb liberal. A smart conservative should be able to find it with no effort.
It fell in my lap, didn't have to look for it. I assume you are not sure of posting a tweet you saw. If the tweet turns out to be correct I'll offer a big rebel Hell yeah M fer.

It's really not so hard to find out flight information with a tail number. You just can't get a manifest of passengers, not difficult if you know how to and a tail. I worked at Fedex, I didn't tote boxes.

I'd like the tail number on that aircraft.
That post was made on Thursday 5 days previous in the immigration thread
Thurs 6:57 PM post 7838, 4 1/2 - 5 hours after they dropped "humanitarian crisis" on the good christians of Maathaas Vineyard.

@UnionStrong straighten out your skirt and give me the correct Masshole spelling on Martha's, I bolded it because I know your eyes aren't as good as your tits, thanks sweetheart. :winkiss:


IE boogeyman
I see you back away some more.

Now tweets don't matter, yet those tweets were a major target to turn public perception regarding Trump.

Yes the policies are the same, Trump and DeSantis are not., you neglected policy in your initial post.

Do you care to back away once again from your initial statement?

I may hay another bone I want to pick with you as well.
Are you a robot? Are you capable of discerning meaning from words or do you need them spelled out for you?

The angry tweet public perception argument is dumb, if the mainstream media hates you they will twist any and everything you say whether you tweet or not
If anything, his tweets strengthened his base, which is why they ultimately banned him when they thought they could get away with it finally


Well-Known Member
Somebody is lying, and it isn't DeSantis. His people got signed consent forms from those 50. They already surmised what Dems might try and they crossed their t's and dotted their i's. Good luck!
The Venezuelans whom DeSantis flew to Martha’s Vineyard were in the United States seeking asylum. They followed U.S. law. They are not “illegal aliens.”