Brothers -- are we closing Peak out OK?


Good thing I wore my brown pants
This is what bothers me the most about peak. If people wait until the last minute to order something to be delivered overnight on Christmas Eve, I have no sympathy for them. We’ve had 3 consecutive weeks of 70 hours and 6th day it too much to ask to get home at a reasonable time on Christmas Eve? Screw the late shuttles of air. They can get them on the 26th and learn a lesson!

this this this this this.

idgaf about little johny's christmas, when i get to be out till 11pm on christmas eve. and thats with stops being taken.


"friend* you and your family and any of those rat bastard kids you all might have. We really could care less, so what we did was advanced loads to make you all extremely heavy today. Don't expect to be home before 2330. If the volume we get is not sufficient to keep you slouches out until such time, we will randomly shuttle you some late air to break off for and deliver.

Merry Xmas! The management."
Was Peak not a thing when you guys started working here? Just call out. I was punched out by 1539 with late air shuttled out at 1400. Last year I was out at 1300.


Light 'em up!
We're doing all we can to get these packages delivered om time...


tenor (1).gif

tenor (2).gif

tenor (3).gif

tenor (4).gif




double tap o da horn dooshbag
LoL the last gif was pretty kool... UPS driver helper experienced with sliding those boxes

I'm scared. I clocked out at 18:55 & I overslept this morning on top of it.

Was expecting a cluster fawk of packages... dunno if FXG held back any trailers. we'll see on Thursday

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
No better feeling than the center manager actually giving the men some credit at the PCM for busting their ass all peak. 0 stops left and no message to go take x amount of stops from another driver. No pickups = an empty package car. Backed in, punched out. 24 hours of sanity with my family. Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Finished my commercial route at 1500 today. They wanted everyone to call in and one area of guys was going out with 500+ stops. Call in chat with the office get told they had ORSs from other centers come out to help those guys. I figured they would send me out there even though it's an hour drive from my area.

They didn't. They started dicking me around. I sat there until 1530 waiting after calling several times they were "trying" to figure out who I could go help. Around then another driver I know from a different building and center got home, he lives near where I was waiting so he came over to chat. Says peak for his center has been one of the easiest ever. He's barely gotten any overtime. I tell him I almost hit seventy last week. Finally get my ODS to go help some guy.

Give him a call he says he's got about an hour of work left.

It will take me 45 minutes to get to him. Trek him merry Christmas and call the office again. Wait fifteen more minutes they ODS me out three other guys to call. Call em all, wait, call again, wait, one of em calls me back. I head out to meet him. It's 1615 it took them an hour and fifteen minutes to set me up with someone to actually help.

He has forty stops left in a super easy resi area I take half and finish in twenty minutes. It's now 1650 call the office. They tell me they'll call me back after they figure out who I can help. At 1720 thirty minutes later, thirty minutes of playing on my phone I call again. No, they haven't forgotten about me they just aren't sure who I can help. Keep waiting they say.

I sit there until 1750 and call again. Come on in they say. I'm the third guy back.


As I'm leaving I see a huge line of guys getting back. I figure they were dicking me around so I wouldn't get back way before other guys but it didn't make any sense for me to drive an hour to meet someone do five stops and drive an hour back.

Merry Christmas brothers


Well-Known Member
Worked preload this morning, then drove back home for Christmas.
In town so thought I'd drive past my old center tonight just to see how twilight is doing.
Trucks wrapped around the building, 8 PM and nothing fueled or parked yet. Only saw one guy working.
Thought about stopping in and asking if they want my help for old time's sake, then laughed and drove back home.
Feeling pretty comfy.