Well-Known Member
Lol...you a surfer boy too?
I wish I could surf...
Lol...you a surfer boy too?
I wish I could surf...
If your just going to troll please leave this is a serious issue, or are you one of the bullying types and just like to encourage this?
What the flyingdoes somebody squalling about being “bullied” have to do with the economy?
I got an idea. Don’t be a pusillanimous.
I was sexually harassed. Was told by management I needed a tougher skin.
They really really care in that building.
I agree with this BC member.1) If that's your real name, change it immediately.
2) Call the ethics hotline at 800-220-4126, or file an online complaint at UPS Helpline
The employee who shoved me doesn't have the nerve to say anything back when I ask management why he gets to stand around but wanted to shove me I guess to let me know he thinks he is above the "law".
Outside of work of courseStand up for yourself and punch him in the neck.
several employees have been bullied by these guys.
you're just asking for trouble when you talk to management about other employees. maybe that is why no one wants to help you. just do your job and mind your own business.I did actually talk to some stewards first and the answers I won't post here for reasons I won't get into. I took all the necessary steps first, local union hall was a dead end and the advice from anyone else is take it across the street. The employee who shoved me doesn't have the nerve to say anything back when I ask management why he gets to stand around but wanted to shove me I guess to let me know he thinks he is above the "law". Anyone willfully getting physical in the hub isn't afraid of losing their job and that's why this needs a "higher power" to get involved.
everybody is a puss. Uningbelievable. Wah wah wah. I know what my dad would tell me if I told him I was crying about being “bullied”. It’d be simple. Man up.
Contact California Department of Labor, tell them you've been physically assaulted @ your job. also might want to call an attorney because UPS can't allow this to happen. Got a bunch of jerk off part-time sups over in that building, their a joke. Call Perry Hogan and don't take no for a answer!Never said I was being hazed, it's a hostile environment where several employees have been bullied by these guys. One coworker was confronted by the offender and told his seniority doesn't mean "crap" and he needed to shut up.
Bullying is great if you are on the right side.If your just going to troll please leave this is a serious issue, or are you one of the bullying types and just like to encourage this?