By Invitation Only


Never bought my own handtruck
I just googled kingsford blue. You just lost all credibility. Smh...

Bro...smh... no no no. You dont smoke meat with briquettes.....

@burrheadd , you mother friend'er. Stay outta this d*! I'm bringing this big shot down a level. Shut it.

Ron, I'm trying to have a conversation with some one here. You wanna belittle people? Do it in Fluff please. Supposed to be good here man.


nowhere special


Staff member
It disappeared. I don't know why. That's where I always got it. I usually go to home depot and would make a special trip to Lowe's just for stubbs

It's distributed by Cowboy, and Cowboy lump and Stubb's still are both in my local store.

They used to carry Frontier, but that disappeared. Not great lump, but it was what I learned on in my Akorn.