By Invitation Only


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
@Brownslave688 Not quite what I requested but that's uhhh, very interesting to say the least. I think I'll stick him on the side of my tool box.



Never bought my own handtruck
Even half ass roof repair guys tell you they have to have a certain temperature. It’s common knowledge
I hear commercials all the time for cheaper pricing to do it during the winter. Not saying I would. And a lot of developements are built with cheap Mexican labor, they don’t give a flying funk if your roof stays on.


nowhere special
I hear commercials all the time for cheaper pricing to do it during the winter. Not saying I would. And a lot of developements are built with cheap Mexican labor, they don’t give a flying funk if your roof stays on.
You can usually get away with putting up a roof in cold weather as long as it warms up enough to seal things before you get bad weather. Risky though.