By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I hear commercials all the time for cheaper pricing to do it during the winter. Not saying I would. And a lot of developements are built with cheap Mexican labor, they don’t give a flying funk if your roof stays on.
And those are pretty much the people doing most of the roofing around here nowadays. I’ve been hearing roofers all over my route for the past week.


Never bought my own handtruck
Btw, bunch of rookies with the top/bottom/side freezer....

Ones a fridge, ones a freezer.

There’s a lot going on on the front of those appliances.

Yeah I just took that down. Names and such. Yikes! Kids hang all their crap on them.

Try again.



Never bought my own handtruck
Where’s the beer?
In the beer fridge silly.


Why do you have a bag of ice in your fancy ass freezer? Ice make not working ?
Because I have room for it.
View attachment 185032 Your carrots are spoiled, what are you trying to do poison your kids @MyTripisCut?
I haven't seen such crappy vegetables since @hyena posted his ode to withered vegetables pictures
My kids don’t eat
View attachment 185034
What in the hell is in this jar?
It looks like a jizz jar or something
This isn’t your fridge....