By Invitation Only


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You and your buddies must have been so busy spending so much time censoring and deleting posts I am assuming you just let these slide through due to being overworked, right?


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Winter start there already? You’ve been on a binge here lately?
Might as well have. It has been raining almost every day, the dirt roads are S*and the waters are dirtier than my girlfriend so fishing has been almost non-existent. Can't metal detect because, well...yeah. The other day it was in the low 40s overnight.

I might as well come here and stir up as much trouble as I can get away with.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Might as well have. It has been raining almost every day, the dirt roads are S*and the waters are dirtier than my girlfriend so fishing has been almost non-existent. Can't metal detect because, well...yeah. The other day it was in the low 40s overnight.

I might as well come here and stir up as much trouble as I can get away with.
Nice. It’s 72 and sunny here right now. Ava and I are headed to bait and set up trail cams.


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I woke up 5 hours ago but for some reason today, I'm just not motivated to do much of anything. I was going to go fishing at the Miracle Mile today but we got rained on so bad last night that the roads will be mush. Can't get motivated to drive 2.5 hours then find out the roads are washed out. I should take up farming or ranching and get me some of them S* covered cows.