By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I thought you didn't want to be included. I don't care what she says, I've said what I had to and that's it. I won't lose sleep if she dislikes me or calls me a bad name.
Talking with my cousin yesterday his kid had just gotten in trouble at school for bullying. The mom has been calling him and his wife complaining. He’s like they’re. 11 they are gonna call each other names.

He runs the local grocery store he’s like man I make a high schooler cry at least once a week because these kids have no idea how to deal with criticism or disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Talking with my cousin yesterday his kid had just gotten in trouble at school for bullying. The mom has been calling him and his wife complaining. He’s like they’re. 11 they are gonna call each other names.

He runs the local grocery store he’s like man I make a high schooler cry at least once a week because these kids have no idea how to deal with criticism or disappointment.

Oh I would lay into someone if they kept calling me complaining. Why does she even have his #.


nowhere special
You in San Diego? When did you see me?
rat tail?