By Invitation Only


Retired 23 years
Red Cross rubs me the wrong way with how much they charge others for donated blood. VFW blood drives are good.
There's BIG money in blood. If it was all used in the US it would be better but lots of it is sent out of country. Basically its just another racket. That's why I limit my donations.


Well-Known Member
I donate blood 3 or 4 times a year at the VFW blood drives. That is the only place I do it but the Red Cross still calls me about twice a month wanting more. I swear they would drain you dry if you let them.

They call me twice a month also. We had a feeder driver pass away from Leukemia. Had a annual blood drive in the UPS parking lot in his name for about 10 years. This year is was canceled because not enough supporters. The younger crowd doesn't want to get involved.

Sad because it was a fun time and tons of good food.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Due to the concentration of carbohydrates in their diet.
They tend to grow up to 5 feet or less too.