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nowhere special
was he on a motorcycle?

Just a scooter


Like yours?


nowhere special

That study blamed genetics (which I partially agree with) but seemed to mostly blame society. Poor people are fat because of where they live.

"People who live in deprived areas often experience high levels of stress, including major life challenges and trauma, often their neighborhoods offer few opportunities and incentives for physical activity and options for accessing affordable healthy food are limited."


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
That study blamed genetics (which I partially agree with) but seemed to mostly blame society. Poor people are fat because of where they live.

"People who live in deprived areas often experience high levels of stress, including major life challenges and trauma, often their neighborhoods offer few opportunities and incentives for physical activity and options for accessing affordable healthy food are limited."
Not all poor people are fat. So being poor doesn’t make you fat.

My grandpa was fat. Had a heart attack and decided he better lose weight.

My mom was fat. Got diabetes and decided she better lose weight.

What changed? Their incentive which in turn increased their willpower.