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Let’s hear it.
Ok. So I read quite a bit and watch a lot of historical tv but also alot of movies. I day dream and find myself acting out some of this stuff in my own head. I know weird.

Anyways, wife and I were on this flight and we were a couple rows behind first class. I was sitting there people watching and saw this guy get up just dressed like a bum. He made his way to the front of the aircraft through first class and for some reason, there was no flight attendant to guide him out.

He must have been looking for the lavatory but he touched the door to the cockpit. In my head, I thought to myself, if this guy so much as turns the handle to the cockpit door he was getting friend*d up.

Well, I must have been acting out one of the movies because my wife turned and looked at me and asked me what the hell I was talking about. She said, "who is about to get friend*d up?" I was like huh? How did you know I was thinking that. She said, "you grabbed the laptop and clenched your fist and then mouthed, ok, here we go, this dude's about to get friend*d up!"

I asked her if I was sleeping and she said I was not, we were just talking a second before. I was like, there is no way I did that and certainly no way I would have mouthed it. My wife said, "What do you think, I'm a mindreader or making this up? You're the one talking to yourself."

Honestly, I still don't believe her that I mouthed and acted that stuff out but I have no other way to explain how she knew what I was thinking. I was chuckling as I typed this.


Well-Known Member
Safe travels then.

Thanks brother.
We're here drinking around the fire.
and smoking a 18lb brisket.
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Because of your iron issue?
Saturday I had blood drawn so I wanted to see what skipping red meat does. I won't get my numbers read again until Thursday or Friday so no reds until then.

One site says I don't have to change the diet, just have to get the phlebotomy done so we will see.


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This is pure comedic gold. I know you have used this before, but it just never gets old. I've done that before.

My favorite are the little punks who foiled me and my detector at Sunset Park in Las Vegas. I wouldn't leave since I was there first and they couldn't throw their disk golf frisbees around me accurately. At some point they must have bought one of those milk cartons full of BBs and scattered them all over the field. My detector was going crazy.