By Invitation Only


nowhere special
Want to go hang 10?


Retired 23 years
I went back to the truck to get the rest of his crap and when I turned around, I see this Asian woman standing at the threshold of the door. Dude proceeds to tell me his wife is Hmong and jokes like the one I made are disrespectful. What do you do at that point? I already ate ass soup so I figured maybe I should try to smooth it over and apologize.

Man can't even make a joke anymore.

You should have asked her if she remembers Rod from Vietnam?


Retired 23 years
I sometimes wonder if people who read my stuff or spend any time speaking with me think to themselves, "WTF is wrong with this guy? He has either got some mental defects or is mentally challenged. I don't know whether to laugh with him, laugh at him, or commit him."
I do all the time.