California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
Sure did, and it took 3 seconds to come up with an answer - they chose to remain in an economically depressed area, rather than risk
leaving their comfort zone. It all comes down to choices and personal responsibility. From what I have read, personal responsibility doesn’t seem to be your thing.

You seem to think the decline of the middle class started with Obama. Tell me, what was the last administration that was an advocate of the working classes in the rust belt?
Oh sure, people build lives over generations, and your answer is to pull up stakes and start over. That works for some, but most want a proactive government that actually makes a difference in their lives. They want results, not lip service. I guess that's what's bugging you, Trump is getting results in spite of naysayers best efforts to portray him a certain way.


Well-Known Member
Sure did, and it took 3 seconds to come up with an answer - they chose to remain in an economically depressed area, rather than risk
leaving their comfort zone. It all comes down to choices and personal responsibility. From what I have read, personal responsibility doesn’t seem to be your thing.

You seem to think the decline of the middle class started with Obama. Tell me, what was the last administration that was an advocate of the working classes in the rust belt?
Every Republican administration has advocated creating jobs and reducing taxes, trying to stimulate the economy. But then you're too young to know that.


Inordinately Right
That works for some, but most want a proactive government that actually makes a difference in their lives. They want results, not lip service. I guess that's what's bugging you, Trump is getting results in spite of naysayers best efforts to portray him a certain way.
Yes, they're called liberals. Once again you prove you're a liberal neocon :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Every Republican administration has advocated creating jobs and reducing taxes, trying to stimulate the economy. But then you're too young to know that.

Further discussion is probably pointless. You have your point of view and I have mine, and there’s probably no changing that any time soon. If the tax cut makes things better for the middle class, I’ll gladly eat a serving of crow.


Well-Known Member
There's a difference between a proactive government and a "progressive" one.
Van look, everybody wants economic expansion and that includes us evil, communist, pinko liberal progressives BUT in the 21st century economic expansion in no way shape or form guarantees job growth. The McKinsey Global Institute will tell you the same thing. The stated goal of manufacturers and service providers is to eliminate as much human involvement in the production of goods and services as possible. In addition movement toward fulfillment of that objective may be accelerated by the tax cuts as some have suggested . You simply cannot rule it out. And when it comes to the small amount of human involvement that will be required going forward the question of whether domestic or cheap off shore labor will be used will depend far more on trade agreements than the cost of the labor itself.


Well-Known Member
Vantexan is unaware that without progressive thinking, we'd still be living in caves, or maybe trees. Just like conservatives can't see that 'socialism' has society as its base, they can't see that 'progressive' has 'progress' as its base. They don't even see that public roads, public policing, public parks, public schools, etc, etc, etc are all socialist. They love all those, but hate 'socialism,' failing to understand that there are different degrees of socialism, just like there are different degrees of capitalism possible, or communism, or different degrees of progressivism.

Conservatives are afraid of change- they need the comfortable sameness so that they can avoid changing themselves. There is no allowable variation in conservatism- you are either conservative, or you are not. They don't even see that the high tax rates of the time they remember so fondly were the reason for the country's strength and growth, with the high rates on profits taken out of a business forcing reinvestment and growth. They will never have the same level of growth as we had with higher tax rates when profit is taken out of the economy and put into the hands of those who don't need to spend it.


Well-Known Member
Help me through this, if they don't spend or invest it, do they sew it into a sack and sleep in it? Do they burn it? Exactly how do they keep it out of the economy?
last i heard a few years back they werent investing 2 or 3 trillion in the economy because the economy is so weak.


Well-Known Member
last i heard a few years back they werent investing 2 or 3 trillion in the economy because the economy is so weak.
Please answer my question, if that is true where did they put their money? You see we are back to the original question. Please help me through it.


Well-Known Member
You made the statement, the question was directed to you, don't make rickyb do all your heavy lifting, please help me through this.


Well-Known Member
Please explain how "profit" is taken out of the economy.
You may or may not understand tax deductions for business, so I will give you a simple answer.

If a business has $100,000 profit, but invests $80,000 in new equipment, or hires more workers and salespeople, they will only owe taxes on $20,000. The business will increase in value with new equipment, or another location, or with more sales, so the money doesn't 'disappear' for the owner.

Take that same business, where the owner takes out all of that $100,000 in profit, and he will owe income tax on all of it. If the tax rate is higher, there is more incentive to re-invest in the business. If the tax rate is low, the owner can more easily and cheaply take the profit out, and sit on it, or drive the stock market up by investing it in stocks, or simply spend it in Paris.

The high tax rates encourage hiring even if it is hiring a company to build labor saving production equipment. Lower production costs makes products more available at lower costs. Where the point of diminishing returns on lower rates starts and ends is arguable, but in todays world, we don't have family businesses growing and expanding in the same way as when the tax rates were much higher. It used to be that someone would own a business bringing in $10 million a year and the owner would be relatively cash poor because paying a 90% tax rate on taking profit didn't make sense. Now with low rates, the owner can take $6 million out and by a McMansion, putting only a one time stimulus into the economy.

High rates almost force a long term outlook. Employees were never, or nearly never subject to the high rates because they didn't earn enough to pay high rates. Low rates on the top 10% who own 50% of the country just exacerbates the difference. The high tax rates used to force them to spend that money, improving the economy.

I shouldn't have even had to explain this at all, except many have no idea how and why high tax rates ever happened to start with. People like floridays cry about crickets when even a simplistic explanation takes more that a 2 sentence answer.


Well-Known Member
You may or may not understand tax deductions for business, so I will give you a simple answer.

If a business has $100,000 profit, but invests $80,000 in new equipment, or hires more workers and salespeople, they will only owe taxes on $20,000. The business will increase in value with new equipment, or another location, or with more sales, so the money doesn't 'disappear' for the owner.

Take that same business, where the owner takes out all of that $100,000 in profit, and he will owe income tax on all of it. If the tax rate is higher, there is more incentive to re-invest in the business. If the tax rate is low, the owner can more easily and cheaply take the profit out, and sit on it, or drive the stock market up by investing it in stocks, or simply spend it in Paris.

The high tax rates encourage hiring even if it is hiring a company to build labor saving production equipment. Lower production costs makes products more available at lower costs. Where the point of diminishing returns on lower rates starts and ends is arguable, but in todays world, we don't have family businesses growing and expanding in the same way as when the tax rates were much higher. It used to be that someone would own a business bringing in $10 million a year and the owner would be relatively cash poor because paying a 90% tax rate on taking profit didn't make sense. Now with low rates, the owner can take $6 million out and by a McMansion, putting only a one time stimulus into the economy.

High rates almost force a long term outlook. Employees were never, or nearly never subject to the high rates because they didn't earn enough to pay high rates. Low rates on the top 10% who own 50% of the country just exacerbates the difference. The high tax rates used to force them to spend that money, improving the economy.
Long answer that I'll read later, you didn't answer the question, how are the "profits" taken out of the economy? Help me through this.


Well-Known Member
Please answer my question, if that is true where did they put their money? You see we are back to the original question. Please help me through it.
offshore banks. i dunno i cant find it now.

that money should be in the hands of the poor who will spend it all not in offshore banks.