California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
Says the know it all who doesn't know anything. Take a side, take a stand, but don't keep going on about how you at such a tender age know everything and have it all figured out.

Well, after reading more of your ramblings, I think it may be prudent to take a stand against old dudes who have access to the Google machine. I act like I have it all figured out? You should go back and re-read some of your posts! My goodness, considering how dogmatic you are, you would think that you have some track record of success, but by your own admission (again, please re-read your own posts) your a total loser that has failed at every aspect of life. Not to mention, you don’t really seem to have much of a sense of irony.


Well-Known Member
1. Trump enforced Obama's red line in Syria.
2.Trump has taken a hard line with Russia.
3.Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israels. capital.
4.Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord.
5.Trump forced NATO allies to pony up.
6.Trump enabled our military to succeed against ISIS.
7.Trump reversed the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
8.Trump championed tax and regulatory reform.
9.Trump is installing conservative judges.
10.Trump ended the corrupt Clinton political machine

These are just the top 10 positive accomplishments.
!. Russian and Iran now have complete control over Syria
2.Hard line with Russia?hahahaha!
3. Jews and Muslims have fought over that broken down town for centuries and will still be long after your great great grand kids are dead.
4. And the remaining nations and a number of US states are going to keep on going. In 2000 53% of all US electric power was generated using coal today 30%
and falling
5. Most have been doing that for a long time including the main ones England and Germany
6. Does that include the recent success's in Niger, Syria and of course the 17 year long war in Afghanistan?
7. He simply delayed the withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Greeks, the Macedonians, The Sikh's, the Mongols, the British, and the Russians have all gone in there and got the living snot kick out of them and you think that Donald Trump that great military strategist is going to figure out a way to win a military victory in that "little piece of heaven" ?....C'mon man.
8. For the wealthiest 1% and when the deficit explodes how will they stem it? Massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They've made that fact as clear as it can be made.
9.Just like the law clerk he nominated for a seat on the federal bench that has never argued a single case in federal court.Even the GOP controlled Senate Judiciary Committee laughed him clear out of the room.
10. I don't like woman but she has been cleared. Now later on there might be indictments but we'll see how much attention will be paid to the Clinton's after Mike Flynn tells what he knows.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
There you go again. When something doesn't make sense to you everybody has to go along and agree with you just to appease your ego despite the fact that what I posted made perfect sense to them.

"I'll go along and agree with Dano just to appease his ego," said no one ever.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The FBI investigation was focused on Russian influence in our election. Trump freaking out about it and firing Comey resulting in the special counsel is all his own making. If there was nothing there, Trump would sit back and let the FBI investigate. He didn't because he has something to hide. Keep defending him, it makes you very credible.

And to date, the "influence" was limited to FB spam. Keep pretending it was more than that.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Why is it that you Reps always pull the worst possible candidate out of your inventory to offer the American people.?

...from a guy who supported Hillary.

As it stands, the worst possible candidate in our inventory ran for president in 2008. Until then, he was the one Republican that liberals would say nice things about ("Why can't they all be like McCain?" "McCain is the one Republican I would vote for." And so on) and many idiots felt that he was a non-divisive, viable candidate.

Then the race began and the liberals jumped on him just like they have every GOP candidate before and since. Dumb old McCain just took it like the :censored2: he is, defending his adversary and everyone else who attacked him. He was trounced in the general election.

Afterwards he was again the pet Republican of the liberals, which is all he's ever been and all that he's ever been capable of being.

Romney was 100X better, though still willing to allow himself to be walked on.

Then we got it right and rode a victory to the WH.
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Well-Known Member
!. Russian and Iran now have complete control over Syria
2.Hard line with Russia?hahahaha!
3. Jews and Muslims have fought over that broken down town for centuries and will still be long after your great great grand kids are dead.
4. And the remaining nations and a number of US states are going to keep on going. In 2000 53% of all US electric power was generated using coal today 30%
and falling
5. Most have been doing that for a long time including the main ones England and Germany
6. Does that include the recent success's in Niger, Syria and of course the 17 year long war in Afghanistan?
7. He simply delayed the withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Greeks, the Macedonians, The Sikh's, the Mongols, the British, and the Russians have all gone in there and got the living snot kick out of them and you think that Donald Trump that great military strategist is going to figure out a way to win a military victory in that "little piece of heaven" ?....C'mon man.
8. For the wealthiest 1% and when the deficit explodes how will they stem it? Massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They've made that fact as clear as it can be made.
9.Just like the law clerk he nominated for a seat on the federal bench that has never argued a single case in federal court.Even the GOP controlled Senate Judiciary Committee laughed him clear out of the room.
10. I don't like woman but she has been cleared. Now later on there might be indictments but we'll see how much attention will be paid to the Clinton's after Mike Flynn tells what he knows.
1. Russia is withdrawing from Syria. And what's happening there is due to Obama's bungling of it.
2. Just authorized weaponry for Ukraine.
3. And that's Trump's fault?
4. Coal suppression is on Obama.
5. Actually most of the NATO members have put costs squarely on the U.S., much like the U.N. has.
6. Trump's fault we've been there 16 years? He wouldn't have put the rules of engagement on the troops Obama did. And we have the technology to win if only namby pamby politicians would let us.
7. See #6.
8. All previous tax cuts increased revenue. The problem was the increase in spending. With a Republican government we should keep spending down and take a bite out of the debt. But only if the public doesn't buy the Dems lies and votes Democrat in the midterms.
9. Overall his nominations have been praised by all but the Dems, who are scared silly by the conservatives being placed.
10. Hillary cleared? Comey and Lynch covered for her. Comey even wrote a letter exonerating her a month before the investigation was completed. And it wasn't even his place to clear her, should have been Lynch. She clearly broke the law concerning using a nongovernmental server, security, and not turning over subpoenaed emails. Not even counting using her office to enrich herself.


Well-Known Member
Well, after reading more of your ramblings, I think it may be prudent to take a stand against old dudes who have access to the Google machine. I act like I have it all figured out? You should go back and re-read some of your posts! My goodness, considering how dogmatic you are, you would think that you have some track record of success, but by your own admission (again, please re-read your own posts) your a total loser that has failed at every aspect of life. Not to mention, you don’t really seem to have much of a sense of irony.
You can't seem to grasp that I freely acknowledge my mistakes. You on the other hand make snarky comments with no substance. Crack a book open and learn a few things sport. You may be shocked at what an amazing world we have that doesn't revolve around you.


Well-Known Member
You may be shocked at what an amazing world we have that doesn't revolve around you.

Says the man who leaves his wife home alone, so he can pursue his own selfish interests. Yeah, compared to you, I’m REAL self absorbed. Please, I implore you, keep posting. I’ll enjoy shattering the delusions you live by.


Well-Known Member
Says the know it all who doesn't know anything. Take a side, take a stand, but don't keep going on about how you at such a tender age know everything and have it all figured out.
I know this isn't directed at me, but just thought i'd throw it out there, I actually voted for trump, and agree with a lot of what you say, I just have doubts about him.. Carry on..


Well-Known Member
Then we got it right and rode a victory to the WH.

And all that was necessary for the victory was having the majority of the US populace consumed with anger, apathy, and despair. A positively glorious moment in the annals of US electoral politics!


Well-Known Member
Says the man who leaves his wife home alone, so he can pursue his own selfish interests. Yeah, compared to you, I’m REAL self absorbed. Please, I implore you, keep posting. I’ll enjoy shattering the delusions you live by.
I may be dead in 10 years. I'm getting our house paid off without killing myself to do it. You have no idea how simply I will be living, and that also includes helping my elderly parents. There are other things you don't know and it's none of your business. And she wants to come with me but made a commitment to her daughter to see her through college. You think you've got me on something but it just illustrates the kind of person you are. Always looking to attack, absolutely no substance.


Well-Known Member
What things that you haven’t Googled have you read this week?
Just finished a mystery. And I research blogs all the time. My years of reading history are pretty much behind me. I do read the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. How about you?


Well-Known Member
And all that was necessary for the victory was having the majority of the US populace consumed with anger, apathy, and despair. A positively glorious moment in the annals of US electoral politics!
Did you ever ask why they were consumed with anger, apathy, and despair? It wasn't what Trump was saying. He just said what they wanted to hear. The previous administration did little to help the middle class in Rust Belt States where they were devastated. They put Trump over the top because Hillary ignored them, Trump didn't. Politics 101. Y'all so desperately want to put his win on anything but your candidate was a lousy campaigner. It wouldn't have taken much to have put her over the top with all those Democrat, union workers. But she blew it.


Well-Known Member
Just finished a mystery. And I research blogs all the time. My years of reading history are pretty much behind me. I do read the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. How about you?

I hate to tell you this, but reading popular fiction (the equivalent of watching television) and the newspaper doesn’t really make you an authority on anything. You need a track record of success, and your resume falls woefully short, skippy.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever ask why they were consumed with anger, apathy, and despair?

Sure did, and it took 3 seconds to come up with an answer - they chose to remain in an economically depressed area, rather than risk
leaving their comfort zone. It all comes down to choices and personal responsibility. From what I have read, personal responsibility doesn’t seem to be your thing.

The previous administration did little to help the middle class in Rust Belt

You seem to think the decline of the middle class started with Obama. Tell me, what was the last administration that was an advocate of the working classes in the rust belt?


Well-Known Member
I hate to tell you this, but reading popular fiction (the equivalent of watching television) and the newspaper doesn’t really make you an authority on anything. You need a track record of success, and your resume falls woefully short, skippy.
I wasn't aware you were looking for a resume. I'll put my knowledge of a few subjects up against yours anytime amigo. But what does it matter? I find there's always new things to learn. You on the other hand want to project omniscient superiority. And yet no substance.