California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
offshore banks. i dunno i cant find it now.

that money should be in the hands of the poor who will spend it all not in offshore banks.
I need more help, why would offshore banks be a choice, and what do offshore banks do with their deposits?


Well-Known Member
I need more help, why would offshore banks be a choice, and what do offshore banks do with their deposits?
When any bank, off or on shore, loans money for mergers and aquisitions, how does that help the working man???? It ends up eliminating jobs while the wealthy make even more money, with which to buy more companies, or sock away in a mattress.

Making the wealthier more wealthy helps the working man how since you support it????? You need to be real dense to believe as you do.


Well-Known Member
You are pretty slow aren't you? The answer is there, too bad your ADHD can't handle more than a two word reply.
I can understand much more than a two letter answer, paragraphs are given to avoid answering. Where are the companies retained earnings held? How are they held out of the economy? Answer the question please.


Well-Known Member
When any bank, off or on shore, loans money for mergers and aquisitions, how does that help the working man???? It ends up eliminating jobs while the wealthy make even more money, with which to buy more companies, or sock away in a mattress.

Making the wealthier more wealthy helps the working man how since you support it????? You need to be real dense to believe as you do.
I knew where you were going when you posted initially, you claimed the money was "out of the economy", I asked how?
You simply don't like who retains ownership of the receipts of labor or business.
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Well-Known Member
offshore banks. i dunno i cant find it now.

that money should be in the hands of the poor who will spend it all not in offshore banks.
It called NOL. Net operating loss carryover and works in conjunction with the Section 179 , accelerated depreciation. And don't forget the carried interest rule. As for off shore banks, Apple along has 250 billion stashed off shore and now will now be able to repatriate it at just 15% . Don't you wish we all could stash our paychecks in an off shore bank then wait for Congress to come hat in and and offer a tax rate that is agreeable to us? Well, that is exactly what happened.


Well-Known Member
It called NOL. Net operating loss carryover and works in conjunction with the Section 179 , accelerated depreciation. And don't forget the carried interest rule. As for off shore banks, Apple along has 250 billion stashed off shore and now will now be able to repatriate it at just 15% . Don't you wish we all could stash our paychecks in an off shore bank then wait for Congress to come hat in and and offer a tax rate that is agreeable to us? Well, that is exactly what happened.
And still no answer how the "cash" is taken out of the economy. I need more help, these offshore banks, they have a larger bed, larger fire or larger hole in the backyard? How is the money taken out of the economy?


Well-Known Member
Nice to get the leftists to join forces and respond, invite them all. Please just answer the questions I ask, I know the help I need to join your forces. I only asked for help.


Well-Known Member
When cash is put in the pockets of those who don't spend it in the economy, or spend it in a manner that it doesn't recirculate, it is taken out of the economy. No one should need to explain this to you. I guess if you are slow enough to fall for the fedex scam, you need a lot explained to you. I suppose you think that a bank adds to the real GNP by loaning money. Not all business activity produces actual goods or creates tangible assets. You REALLY should not need so much explanation.


Well-Known Member
When cash is put in the pockets of those who don't spend it in the economy, or spend it in a manner that it doesn't recirculate, it is taken out of the economy. No one should need to explain this to you. I guess if you are slow enough to fall for the fedex scam, you need a lot explained to you. I suppose you think that a bank adds to the real GNP by loaning money. Not all business activity produces actual goods or creates tangible assets. You REALLY should not need so much explanation.
Interesting take on things. I see the opposite. With high tax rates the wealthy have an incentive to hide their money, offshore or otherwise. With lower rates the wealthy are incentivized to invest in new business in order to grow their capital. Results in jobs. A much more direct relationship between the rich and poor. That 90% rate only applied to a portion of income of the highest earners, but it sure discouraged them from trying to make more. There were other factors in our prosperous period with high taxation. The U.S. was uniquely positioned to benefit from the rebuilding years after WWII. And since then there have been other issues that have harmed the middle class. Legal immigration benefits the economy as more people needed to be fed, clothed, and housed. But illegal immigration hurts low wage workers who can't compete with people who work for less while sharing expenses with numerous others. A citizen has high bills to be paid. There are many factors into why we're in the mess we're in but some, also known as Democrats, play class warfare an envy rather than admit that their goal of wealth redistribution is at the root of much of it. But let's let this drama play out and see if lowering taxes let's the thirst for wealth drive the economy and put people back to work. Or if the Dems succeed in playing on people's fears and we continue the economic stagnation because there's little incentive to do better if it's going to be taken anyways.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You may or may not understand tax deductions for business, so I will give you a simple answer.

If a business has $100,000 profit, but invests $80,000 in new equipment, or hires more workers and salespeople, they will only owe taxes on $20,000. The business will increase in value with new equipment, or another location, or with more sales, so the money doesn't 'disappear' for the owner.

Take that same business, where the owner takes out all of that $100,000 in profit, and he will owe income tax on all of it. If the tax rate is higher, there is more incentive to re-invest in the business. If the tax rate is low, the owner can more easily and cheaply take the profit out, and sit on it, or drive the stock market up by investing it in stocks, or simply spend it in Paris.

The high tax rates encourage hiring even if it is hiring a company to build labor saving production equipment. Lower production costs makes products more available at lower costs. Where the point of diminishing returns on lower rates starts and ends is arguable, but in todays world, we don't have family businesses growing and expanding in the same way as when the tax rates were much higher. It used to be that someone would own a business bringing in $10 million a year and the owner would be relatively cash poor because paying a 90% tax rate on taking profit didn't make sense. Now with low rates, the owner can take $6 million out and by a McMansion, putting only a one time stimulus into the economy.

High rates almost force a long term outlook. Employees were never, or nearly never subject to the high rates because they didn't earn enough to pay high rates. Low rates on the top 10% who own 50% of the country just exacerbates the difference. The high tax rates used to force them to spend that money, improving the economy.

I shouldn't have even had to explain this at all, except many have no idea how and why high tax rates ever happened to start with. People like floridays cry about crickets when even a simplistic explanation takes more that a 2 sentence answer.
Magnificent! You aptly described your own garbage post!

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
That's not the assessment of our intelligence community. I don't have to pretend, I've read the public assessment, you can too, or keep listening to Hannity.

When our intelligence community determines that Russia changed votes and affected the outcome of the election, let us know.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
When cash is put in the pockets of those who don't spend it in the economy, or spend it in a manner that it doesn't recirculate, it is taken out of the economy. No one should need to explain this to you. I guess if you are slow enough to fall for the fedex scam, you need a lot explained to you. I suppose you think that a bank adds to the real GNP by loaning money. Not all business activity produces actual goods or creates tangible assets. You REALLY should not need so much explanation.
Reminds me of a teacher I had, asked my classmates how many millions of dollars NASA left on the moon. The real answer is none, because all those millions were spent on Earth, circulating numerous times through the economy. Abstract concept that you don't seem to be able to grasp.