California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
You are one mixed up man.

First you claim that the 80s were nirvana, and now you say they were only bad because of Carter a decade earlier. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad about your condition. You have fox syndrome, needing to say the exact opposite of what you said minutes ago which only works for those with very short term memories.

PS- housing costs INCLUDE the cost of financing. Only if you ignore that could you EVER claim that housing costs were affordable in the 80s. Yes, home prices rose slowly, because no one could afford the cost of a mortgage.

Here's a link showing how precisely in the 1980s, income growth moved very dramatically to the top 20% of earners, and how the middle and low income have seen almost no income growth. Prior to that, almost all the income growth went to the lower end of the scale.

Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart
Carter messed it up, Reagan cleaned it up. And while mortgage rates were high they came down. Anyone who says times didn't get better under Reagan is either a liar or wasn't there. There's a reason why Reagan won the biggest landslide victory in history. Many millions of Democrats voted for him too. Only Republican haters would say different.


Well-Known Member
Did you hear what Neil DeGrasse Tyson had to say about it? "It's an unidentified flying OBJECT. When you get an invitation to dinner from an alien, call me". Shows you just how impressed he was with the video....He wasn't..
I wouldn't say he wasn't impressed. More like we can't definitively say what it was.


Well-Known Member
Like so many other so called " conservative's " he spends half of his time bashing and demonizing Democrats , the other half watching Fox News the GOP information clearing house. The only break they take from it is to go downtown to sign up for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when they're headed for a nursing home with only enough personal savings to last a few months and any other circumstance based entitlement program they can qualify for while fully supporting a political party that makes completely clear as to intention to abolish such programs with the only hope for maintaining such programs is for state and local governments to take them over but can't do it without massive tax increases at the state and local level. No what's the sense in that? So he better hope that his Daddy leaves him an inheritance running in the millions.
My Daddy will leave an inheritance running into tens of thousands. You seemed obsessed with nursing homes, you keep bringing them up. Most Americans die at home, a hospital, or a hospice. And you're always screaming the sky is falling when the real worry is everything collapsing because your folks can't stop spending. Now I'm going back to watching football, another all American tradition you can't stand.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say he wasn't impressed. More like we can't definitively say what it was.
I do love it when a smart guy is trying to explain something to idiots and they can't shut up and listen. He was not impressed, he wants the unidentified identified, and gives no special consideration to what it may have been, just keep working to identify these objects.



Well-Known Member
Carter messed it up, Reagan cleaned it up. And while mortgage rates were high they came down. Anyone who says times didn't get better under Reagan is either a liar or wasn't there. There's a reason why Reagan won the biggest landslide victory in history. Many millions of Democrats voted for him too. Only Republican haters would say different.

Interest rates AVERAGED over 13% during his entire tenure, and NEVER fell below 10%, and you want to blame the previous administration. Unemployment averaged 7.5% while Reagan was in office, and was higher in his first five years than the year he was elected. It only fell during his final two years, when Tip O'Neill took over for the senile fool.

Reagan also had the largest deficit spending as a % of GDP, until another repub completely crashed the economy with tax policy. It was only the deficit spending and government growing that kept things from completely falling apart. Then while Obama was in office, the repubs refused any deficit spending to help the economy once they took the house. And now, again with a repub in office, repubs once again think deficit increases are okay. They are all as twisted as you are. Birds of a feather, I assume.

And while blaming the previous Carter administration for an entire bad decade of economic data, you look at the fall of the USSR and give Reagan all the credit, even though the cold war had been going on for decades.

Again, that just proves how twisted you have to get yourself in order to make your beliefs somehow explainable.


Well-Known Member
Carter messed it up, Reagan cleaned it up. And while mortgage rates were high they came down. Anyone who says times didn't get better under Reagan is either a liar or wasn't there. There's a reason why Reagan won the biggest landslide victory in history. Many millions of Democrats voted for him too. Only Republican haters would say different.

You citing that a lot of democrats voted for Reagan should remind you of what your mother should have taught you. Just because a lot of idiots do something, it doesn't make it right. Only thing I can say about Reagan is that at least he ACTED presidential. Your current idol-in-chief can't even do that.


Well-Known Member
You citing that a lot of democrats voted for Reagan should remind you of what your mother should have taught you. Just because a lot of idiots do something, it doesn't make it right. Only thing I can say about Reagan is that at least he ACTED presidential. Your current idol-in-chief can't even do that.
You forget to mention that high interest rates brought inflation down from over 13% in 1980 to 4.1% in 1988. You forget that 21,000,000+ jobs were created in the second largest economic expansion since WWII. You forget that poverty fell under Reagan. And you said Tip O'Neill took over for Reagan in his last two years because he was going "senile?" O'Neill left Congress in early 1987 due to cancer.


Well-Known Member
You forget to mention that high interest rates brought inflation down from over 13% in 1980 to 4.1% in 1988. You forget that 21,000,000+ jobs were created in the second largest economic expansion since WWII. You forget that poverty fell under Reagan. And you said Tip O'Neill took over for Reagan in his last two years because he was going "senile?" O'Neill left Congress in early 1987 due to cancer. And Reagan just slaughtered Mondale in '84. Must be a lot of Democrat idiots out there. Probably same idiots who kept crooked Hillary out of office.


Well-Known Member
Mondale and Clinton were both terrible candidates. And the same bunch of blue collar idiots switched parties because they, like you, fell for BS.
Has Trump built the wall, and is Mexico going to pay for it??
Is Trump going to pass a tax bill that is focused on the middle class?
Did Trump name China as a currency manipulator on his first day?
Did Trump repeal Obamacare on Day One?
Has Trump gotten out of the Iran deal on Day One?
Did Trump repeal NAFTA???
Are power companies using more coal and saving the industry?

If you believed him, it makes you a fool. Just like those blue collar democrats who never thought that Reagan would weaken unions, or grow the military industrial complex to a new level. You believed in Reagan's act, and you fell for Trump's schtick, as bad as it is.

And poverty rates fell for the last couple years under Reagan, but were still higher than when he was sworn in. Like your claim that the 80s were perfect, you can only claim that Reagan lowered poverty by twisting yourself into ignoring half of the facts.


Well-Known Member
Mondale and Clinton were both terrible candidates. And the same bunch of blue collar idiots switched parties because they, like you, fell for BS.
Has Trump built the wall, and is Mexico going to pay for it??
Is Trump going to pass a tax bill that is focused on the middle class?
Did Trump name China as a currency manipulator on his first day?
Did Trump repeal Obamacare on Day One?
Has Trump gotten out of the Iran deal on Day One?
Did Trump repeal NAFTA???
Are power companies using more coal and saving the industry?

If you believed him, it makes you a fool. Just like those blue collar democrats who never thought that Reagan would weaken unions, or grow the military industrial complex to a new level. You believed in Reagan's act, and you fell for Trump's schtick, as bad as it is.

And poverty rates fell for the last couple years under Reagan, but were still higher than when he was sworn in. Like your claim that the 80s were perfect, you can only claim that Reagan lowered poverty by twisting yourself into ignoring half of the facts.
Settle down clown, I love seeing you guys running in place pissin yourselves, but I really don't want you to have a heart attack. Happy New Year.


Well-Known Member
My Daddy will leave an inheritance running into tens of thousands. You seemed obsessed with nursing homes, you keep bringing them up. Most Americans die at home, a hospital, or a hospice. And you're always screaming the sky is falling when the real worry is everything collapsing because your folks can't stop spending. Now I'm going back to watching football, another all American tradition you can't stand.
What drove inflation in the 1970's? Two Arab oil embargo's , one at each end of the decade and an American nation that drove gas guzzling cars. When Carter brought Paul Volcker into run the Fed he told him that in order to beat back inflation it would require massive increases in interest rates which would cost him a second term. Carter gave his consent. We all know what happened. When the economy crashed in 2008 the Fed did exactly the opposite and today are keeping rates low in an effort to get inflation back up to the 2% goal. When Carter left in 1980 the total federal deficit was 900 billion. When Bush I left in 1992 it was 4 trillion but that was a Republican deficit and just like today it doesn't matter. Furthermore in my state if the Department of Ageing in conjunction with the medical community says that you go to a nursing home you go to a nursing home. If the home health nurse comes in and sees that you aren't getting the care you need you go to a nursing home.So where are you going to live when not if you can't take care of yourself and your family can't or doesn't want you coming to live with them? Romania? Better take a look at what the World Bank and the OECD has to say about healthcare in Romania. Armenia? It ranks 63rd in the world that's if you can bribe a doctor to care for you.


Well-Known Member
What drove inflation in the 1970's? Two Arab oil embargo's , one at each end of the decade and an American nation that drove gas guzzling cars. When Carter brought Paul Volcker into run the Fed he told him that in order to beat back inflation it would require massive increases in interest rates which would cost him a second term. Carter gave his consent. We all know what happened. When the economy crashed in 2008 the Fed did exactly the opposite and today are keeping rates low in an effort to get inflation back up to the 2% goal. When Carter left in 1980 the total federal deficit was 900 billion. When Bush I left in 1992 it was 4 trillion but that was a Republican deficit and just like today it doesn't matter. Furthermore in my state if the Department of Ageing in conjunction with the medical community says that you go to a nursing home you go to a nursing home. If the home health nurse comes in and sees that you aren't getting the care you need you go to a nursing home.So where are you going to live when not if you can't take care of yourself and your family can't or doesn't want you coming to live with them? Romania? Better take a look at what the World Bank and the OECD has to say about healthcare in Romania. Armenia? It ranks 63rd in the world that's if you can bribe a doctor to care for you.
What you don't know is in those countries you can affordably pay for care. Not so here. And you seem to think there's no good care outside of the U.S. and a select few others. And at the end you die anyways. There are no guarantees anywhere, being an American doesn't insure a long healthy life.


Well-Known Member
Mondale and Clinton were both terrible candidates. And the same bunch of blue collar idiots switched parties because they, like you, fell for BS.
Has Trump built the wall, and is Mexico going to pay for it??
Is Trump going to pass a tax bill that is focused on the middle class?
Did Trump name China as a currency manipulator on his first day?
Did Trump repeal Obamacare on Day One?
Has Trump gotten out of the Iran deal on Day One?
Did Trump repeal NAFTA???
Are power companies using more coal and saving the industry?

If you believed him, it makes you a fool. Just like those blue collar democrats who never thought that Reagan would weaken unions, or grow the military industrial complex to a new level. You believed in Reagan's act, and you fell for Trump's schtick, as bad as it is.

And poverty rates fell for the last couple years under Reagan, but were still higher than when he was sworn in. Like your claim that the 80s were perfect, you can only claim that Reagan lowered poverty by twisting yourself into ignoring half of the facts.
Just like you lied about O'Neill, you're lying about pretty much everything concerning Reagan. Typical Democrat. As far as Trump is concerned I voted for him for two reasons. He wasn't Hillary, and he would at least give business a chance to thrive. If they do that means jobs. You want people to vote for a Democrat candidate. Put one up that people can trust and is more concerned with putting people to work than social engineering.


Well-Known Member
What you don't know is in those countries you can affordably pay for care. Not so here. And you seem to think there's no good care outside of the U.S. and a select few others. And at the end you die anyways. There are no guarantees anywhere, being an American doesn't insure a long healthy life.
The deciding factor in all this is outcomes based. Yes. you can get healthcare in third world nations but how good will it be? What will the end result be. Armenian healthcare according to some reports was better when the communists and the Russians ran the healthcare system in that country than it is today.


Well-Known Member
I do love it when a smart guy is trying to explain something to idiots and they can't shut up and listen. He was not impressed, he wants the unidentified identified, and gives no special consideration to what it may have been, just keep working to identify these objects.

He's not impressed with your creator either.


Well-Known Member
The deciding factor in all this is outcomes based. Yes. you can get healthcare in third world nations but how good will it be? What will the end result be. Armenian healthcare according to some reports was better when the communists and the Russians ran the healthcare system in that country than it is today.

It's a moot point since I'm not going to Armenia, but a lot of doctors there get their training in Europe, as many doctors in Latin America get their training in the U.S. and Europe. And with the Internet many doctors around the world are able to keep up with the latest research and techniques. I have no insurance, and am better off paying as I go overseas as everything else is cheaper too.


Well-Known Member
It's a moot point since I'm not going to Armenia, but a lot of doctors there get their training in Europe, as many doctors in Latin America get their training in the U.S. and Europe. And with the Internet many doctors around the world are able to keep up with the latest research and techniques. I have no insurance, and am better off paying as I go overseas as everything else is cheaper too.
Best Wishes Amigo, hate to see you go.