California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
Congratulations, I didn't ask if you were adept at preparing for your future, just as I didn't ask if your mother dressed you today.
Can(will) you address when (pertaining to older guys) the descent in cerebral functions commence?

Actually, the post I responded to infered that I didn’t know what a defined benefit plan is, and I was merely pointing out that planning for the future in general (and especially retirement) is something I’m pretty good at - so yeah, I’m pretty versed in the mysterious world of defined benefit plans - I won’t go into my own financial health here, as only morons reveal personal details about their lives on the internet (proof positive on this site).

As a quick side note, you do realize that your insistence that I didn’t know what I was talking about did nothing but augment my assertion that old dudes find much needed validation by trying to prove superiority on the internet, don’t you? - ironic really, but the subject has become stale, so it’s time to move on.

To answer the question in regards to cognitive devolution, who knows when the event will take place? The most important thing is to be happy with your achievements at the time. For many on this site, for a variety of reasons, that probably won’t be happening, and when the decline starts, there will only be missed opportunities to reflect upon.

Post on learned ones - I’m off to enjoy a marvelous Saturday afternoon!


Well-Known Member
Actually, the post I responded to infered that I didn’t know what a defined benefit plan is, and I was merely pointing out that planning for the future in general (and especially retirement) is something I’m pretty good at - so yeah, I’m pretty versed in the mysterious world of defined benefit plans - I won’t go into my own financial health here, as only morons reveal personal details about their lives on the internet (proof positive on this site).

As a quick side note, you do realize that your insistence that I didn’t know what I was talking about did nothing but augment my assertion that old dudes find much needed validation by trying to prove superiority on the internet, don’t you? - ironic really, but the subject has become stale, so it’s time to move on.

To answer the question in regards to cognitive devolution, who knows when the event will take place? The most important thing is to be happy with your achievements at the time. For many on this site, for a variety of reasons, that probably won’t be happening, and when the decline starts, there will only be missed opportunities to reflect upon.

Post on learned ones - I’m off to enjoy a marvelous Saturday afternoon!
Enjoy your day Meat.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the post I responded to infered that I didn’t know what a defined benefit plan is, and I was merely pointing out that planning for the future in general (and especially retirement) is something I’m pretty good at - so yeah, I’m pretty versed in the mysterious world of defined benefit plans - I won’t go into my own financial health here, as only morons reveal personal details about their lives on the internet (proof positive on this site).

As a quick side note, you do realize that your insistence that I didn’t know what I was talking about did nothing but augment my assertion that old dudes find much needed validation by trying to prove superiority on the internet, don’t you? - ironic really, but the subject has become stale, so it’s time to move on.

To answer the question in regards to cognitive devolution, who knows when the event will take place? The most important thing is to be happy with your achievements at the time. For many on this site, for a variety of reasons, that probably won’t be happening, and when the decline starts, there will only be missed opportunities to reflect upon.

Post on learned ones - I’m off to enjoy a marvelous Saturday afternoon!
And you still managed to not say anything of substance. By the way, defined benefit plans weren't axed in substantial numbers during Reagan's tenure. They, including ours, went under mostly during the second Bush administration. And as relatively few companies offer them these days it's curious that you're "pretty versed" in them. Nah, this maroon only sees more snarky attacks. Can't help yourself can you?


Well-Known Member
Critics argued in the sixties that it was unsustainable because the mechanisms used to control unemployment would eventually create sustained levels of high inflation that would create further unemployment.

Then the seventies happened and they were proven right.

I lived through the seventies, and remember what you have apparently either forgot, or maybe never learned, or are maybe just willfully ignorant about. The oil shocks hit the country that was completely unprepared. That, and not tax policy is what started the decade when repubs started blaming the country's problems on high taxes. Between the first oil shock in 1973, the Nixon crisis, and the Vietnam war, the economy had problems, but not because of tax policy. High energy costs and low supply were directly responsible for the economic woes, and the wealthy saw high taxes as a scapegoat they could use to demand lower taxes and get Reagan to agree.


Well-Known Member
And you still managed to not say anything of substance. By the way, defined benefit plans weren't axed in substantial numbers during Reagan's tenure. They, including ours, went under mostly during the second Bush administration. And as relatively few companies offer them these days it's curious that you're "pretty versed" in them. Nah, this maroon only sees more snarky attacks. Can't help yourself can you?

The decline started in 1984, which is curious, as there should have been a bidding war for employee’s services, which should have included juicy enticements such as defined benefit plans.

By the way, I pretty much have your point-of-view on a wide variety of subjects at this point, so it’s a bit of a redundancy, not to mention an out-and-out waste of time, for you to respond to any of my posts. I get it; you and your side are tremendous; my side is to blame exclusively for the decline of the middle class and I’m a terrible person for pointing out the obvious - no new ground to cover here.


Well-Known Member
The decline started in 1984, which is curious, as there should have been a bidding war for employee’s services, which should have included juicy enticements such as defined benefit plans.

By the way, I pretty much have your point-of-view on a wide variety of subjects at this point, so it’s a bit of a redundancy, not to mention an out-and-out waste of time, for you to respond to any of my posts. I get it; you and your side are tremendous; my side is to blame exclusively for the decline of the middle class and I’m a terrible person for pointing out the obvious - no new ground to cover here.
Back at it after a nap? What happened to the marvelous Saturday afternoon?


Well-Known Member
The decline started in 1984, which is curious, as there should have been a bidding war for employee’s services, which should have included juicy enticements such as defined benefit plans.

By the way, I pretty much have your point-of-view on a wide variety of subjects at this point, so it’s a bit of a redundancy, not to mention an out-and-out waste of time, for you to respond to any of my posts. I get it; you and your side are tremendous; my side is to blame exclusively for the decline of the middle class and I’m a terrible person for pointing out the obvious - no new ground to cover here.
In other words you want to say false things without being challenged. The 80's were a good time to be middle class.


Well-Known Member
By the way, I pretty much have your point-of-view on a wide variety of subjects at this point, so it’s a bit of a redundancy, not to mention an out-and-out waste of time, for you to respond to any of my posts.

I can't respond with any substance, please don't bother me, I'm playing with my toys, over in the corner, ya know.