California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
In other words you want to say false things without being challenged. The 80's were a good time to be middle class.

You mean the 80s with mortgage rate hovering around 11% or higher, hitting over 15%, high inflation, unions declining, permanent deficit spending originating, Iran-contra, CIA selling cocaine, real wage growth stopping, etc, etc, etc???? Or do you really believe your own post? I have to assume you are being sarcastic. Forgot to mention unemployment averaging 7.4% for the decade.
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Well-Known Member
You mean the 80s with mortgage rate hovering around 10% or higher, high inflation, unions declining, permanent deficit spending originating, Iran-contra, CIA selling cocaine, real wage growth stopping, etc, etc, etc???? Or do you really believe your own post? I have to assume you are being sarcastic.
Sorry you slept through the 80's, meaning didn't prosper.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you slept through the 80's, meaning didn't prosper.
Most of America didn't prosper, as poverty rates climbed during the 80s, then fell when Clinton was in office, rose again under Bush2, rose until after Obama's first full year in office, and fell the rest of his term. Now, again under repub leadership you can expect poverty levels to start climbing again within the next 2 years. Anyone who thinks the middle class prospered under interest rates averaging over 12% is a fool. A few places that had huge budget busting defense contractors had plenty of tax dollars flowing in, but that wasn't most of the USA.

us poverty rate by year chart - Google Search

I could provide all the other links, but you are unwilling to even look at facts, and instead believe whatever FOX tells you. You are the perfect example of willful ignorance.


Well-Known Member
You mean the 80s with mortgage rate hovering around 11% or higher, hitting over 15%, high inflation, unions declining, permanent deficit spending originating, Iran-contra, CIA selling cocaine, real wage growth stopping, etc, etc, etc???? Or do you really believe your own post? I have to assume you are being sarcastic. Forgot to mention unemployment averaging 7.4% for the decade.
Much of the economic side of what you posted was due to Carter and started during his term. Reason Reagan won in '80. And Reagan had to give in to Democrat controlled Congress to get what he wanted. Much of the deficit spending was due to Democrats, not Republicans. And in case you forgot Reagan won the biggest landslide victory ever in '84. Plenty of Reagan Democrats. You partisan guys with your revisionist history don't give credit where due.


Well-Known Member
Most of America didn't prosper, as poverty rates climbed during the 80s, then fell when Clinton was in office, rose again under Bush2, rose until after Obama's first full year in office, and fell the rest of his term. Now, again under repub leadership you can expect poverty levels to start climbing again within the next 2 years. Anyone who thinks the middle class prospered under interest rates averaging over 12% is a fool. A few places that had huge budget busting defense contractors had plenty of tax dollars flowing in, but that wasn't most of the USA.

us poverty rate by year chart - Google Search

I could provide all the other links, but you are unwilling to even look at facts, and instead believe whatever FOX tells you. You are the perfect example of willful ignorance.
Homeowners back then saw their income rise faster than housing costs. The middle class did better because they were able to pay off homes faster. Much of the wealth passed on to current generation is due to home equity and savings due to paying off homes a long time ago. And we know what you're all about. Government control of everything, equal outcomes for both achievers and layabouts, and skimming off the top. Not MAGA, but KISS, Keep it Sh***y Still.


Inordinately Right
Homeowners back then saw their income rise faster than housing costs. The middle class did better because they were able to pay off homes faster. Much of the wealth passed on to current generation is due to home equity and savings due to paying off homes a long time ago.
So what's your excuse for being a failure then? Good lord you baby boomers are the worst lulz.


Well-Known Member
Much of the economic side of what you posted was due to Carter and started during his term. Reason Reagan won in '80. And Reagan had to give in to Democrat controlled Congress to get what he wanted. Much of the deficit spending was due to Democrats, not Republicans. And in case you forgot Reagan won the biggest landslide victory ever in '84. Plenty of Reagan Democrats. You partisan guys with your revisionist history don't give credit where due.

Typical Trumpster and republican. Interest rates were high 8 years after Reagan was inaugurated, poverty rates rose up until the end of his administration, and continued until we got a democrat back in charge. When are you going to learn that tax cuts NEVER trickle down. Every statement I made is true, nothing revised except in your failing memory. You've been duped for years into thinking that Reagan was a hero, because you want to believe it and manage to be like the monkey who refuses to hear the truth.. But the facts say otherwise, no matter how much it blows your mind to find out you've been living a lie. Check the data.


Well-Known Member
Homeowners back then saw their income rise faster than housing costs. The middle class did better because they were able to pay off homes faster. Much of the wealth passed on to current generation is due to home equity and savings due to paying off homes a long time ago. And we know what you're all about. Government control of everything, equal outcomes for both achievers and layabouts, and skimming off the top. Not MAGA, but KISS, Keep it Sh***y Still.

Incomes grew, but slower than inflation. How do you think poverty rose if people were getting richer???? My god, you can't even figure that out. How were people paying off homes faster when interest rates were double digits almost the entire 2 terms of Reagan???? The housing market was dead. No new buyers could afford the payments. Why don't you look at the facts, and grow up and quit calling me names just because you don't like the truth.

And you even made up that I want government to have all control. NO, I want PEOPLE to have control and your party believes that corporations are people. How can you put up with that crap and still believe your party cares about the average worker?????? I can't fathom how jumbled your mind must be to be able to believe exactly the opposite of what facts prove. Losers who can't follow their own train of thought ALWAYS try to place beliefs upon others, like your claim that I want equal outcomes for everyone. You need to believe those lies to be able to justify your own mixed up ideas. Yeah, right. The 80s were a great time for America.


Well-Known Member
Typical Trumpster and republican. Interest rates were high 8 years after Reagan was inaugurated, poverty rates rose up until the end of his administration, and continued until we got a democrat back in charge. When are you going to learn that tax cuts NEVER trickle down. Every statement I made is true, nothing revised except in your failing memory. You've been duped for years into thinking that Reagan was a hero, because you want to believe it and manage to be like the monkey who refuses to hear the truth.. But the facts say otherwise, no matter how much it blows your mind to find out you've been living a lie. Check the data.
I know the data. Flip side of high interest rates is it was good for savers. And I lived through that period. Much better opportunities than we've had for awhile. I'll take Reagan and Trump over Carter and Obama any day. Clinton's presidency was saved by Republicans taking over Congress in '94 and the boom. To his credit he governed from the middle after he realized he'd lose in '96 if he didn't.


Well-Known Member
Incomes grew, but slower than inflation. How do you think poverty rose if people were getting richer???? My god, you can't even figure that out. How were people paying off homes faster when interest rates were double digits almost the entire 2 terms of Reagan???? The housing market was dead. No new buyers could afford the payments. Why don't you look at the facts, and grow up and quit calling me names just because you don't like the truth.

And you even made up that I want government to have all control. NO, I want PEOPLE to have control and your party believes that corporations are people. How can you put up with that crap and still believe your party cares about the average worker?????? I can't fathom how jumbled your mind must be to be able to believe exactly the opposite of what facts prove. Losers who can't follow their own train of thought ALWAYS try to place beliefs upon others, like your claim that I want equal outcomes for everyone. You need to believe those lies to be able to justify your own mixed up ideas. Yeah, right. The 80s were a great time for America.
Income grew faster than housing costs and Reagan got inflation under control. Sorry, the bad years for inflation were under Carter. Know that for a fact because I worked in a supermarket from '78 to '82. And as usual a Democrat goes personal. I bet you are praying every night that things don't get better under Trump.


Well-Known Member
Much of the economic side of what you posted was due to Carter and started during his term. Reason Reagan won in '80. And Reagan had to give in to Democrat controlled Congress to get what he wanted. Much of the deficit spending was due to Democrats, not Republicans. And in case you forgot Reagan won the biggest landslide victory ever in '84. Plenty of Reagan Democrats. You partisan guys with your revisionist history don't give credit where due.

You are one mixed up man.

First you claim that the 80s were nirvana, and now you say they were only bad because of Carter a decade earlier. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad about your condition. You have fox syndrome, needing to say the exact opposite of what you said minutes ago which only works for those with very short term memories.

PS- housing costs INCLUDE the cost of financing. Only if you ignore that could you EVER claim that housing costs were affordable in the 80s. Yes, home prices rose slowly, because no one could afford the cost of a mortgage.

Here's a link showing how precisely in the 1980s, income growth moved very dramatically to the top 20% of earners, and how the middle and low income have seen almost no income growth. Prior to that, almost all the income growth went to the lower end of the scale.

Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart


Well-Known Member
You are one mixed up man.

First you claim that the 80s were nirvana, and now you say they were only bad because of Carter a decade earlier. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad about your condition. You have fox syndrome, needing to say the exact opposite of what you said minutes ago which only works for those with very short term memories.

PS- housing costs INCLUDE the cost of financing. Only if you ignore that could you EVER claim that housing costs were affordable in the 80s. Yes, home prices rose slowly, because no one could afford the cost of a mortgage.

Here's a link showing how precisely in the 1980s, income growth moved very dramatically to the top 20% of earners, and how the middle and low income have seen almost no income growth. Prior to that, almost all the income growth went to the lower end of the scale.

Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart
Like so many other so called " conservative's " he spends half of his time bashing and demonizing Democrats , the other half watching Fox News the GOP information clearing house. The only break they take from it is to go downtown to sign up for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when they're headed for a nursing home with only enough personal savings to last a few months and any other circumstance based entitlement program they can qualify for while fully supporting a political party that makes completely clear as to intention to abolish such programs with the only hope for maintaining such programs is for state and local governments to take them over but can't do it without massive tax increases at the state and local level. No what's the sense in that? So he better hope that his Daddy leaves him an inheritance running in the millions.


Retired 23 years
I also heard there were 490 reported sighting of UFO's in California during 2017. What do you suppose it will be now?