

Inordinately Right
If I applied in '94 I sure would have the sense enough to follow up on that.................And to be an American success have to be an AMERICAN !!
"His father and most of his siblings are citizens, but the sluggish federal visa process for Mexican immigrants has slowed his bid for legal status.

At the current pace, Garcia, who is too old for a federal program that aids some illegally brought into the country as youths, estimates he will not get his green card until about 2019 -- and he does not want to wait that long to be eligible to be a lawyer."

I'm not sure what details are being left out, but 25 years to become a citizen? That's ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I accept LEGAL immigration.........I don't have to accept illegal anything!!!! Illegal is against the law. The face of America is not changing to a lawless society !! There are laws.....follow them or get out!!
He is American enough to pick your almonds or bag your groceries but as soon as he puts on a suit and tie he is an " illegal". Typical republican bigotry.


Well-Known Member
Who claimed picking almonds or bagging groceries by illegals was OK? Only you. Illegal is illegal.
Oh really? So if this man was nothing but a field worker, faux news would have did a story on him working in harsh conditions being exploited by the large ag companies for their profit? And moreluck would be outraged by this exploitation? Yea, right.


nowhere special
Oh really? So if this man was nothing but a field worker, faux news would have did a story on him working in harsh conditions being exploited by the large ag companies for their profit? And moreluck would be outraged by this exploitation? Yea, right.

Correct. Quote me a story from Fox News that says any illegal immigration is OK.


golden ticket member
He is American enough to pick your almonds or bag your groceries but as soon as he puts on a suit and tie he is an " illegal". Typical republican bigotry.

Oh really? So if this man was nothing but a field worker, faux news would have did a story on him working in harsh conditions being exploited by the large ag companies for their profit? And moreluck would be outraged by this exploitation? Yea, right.
"would have did" ??????


nowhere special
Quote me a story from faux news that states undocumented workers are exploited by big ag corporations.

I don't know of any site called faux news and even if I did your response ignored my statement. As expected. You are the one making false claims so it is on you to support them.


golden ticket member
You can argue all you want, but until the law is changed, he is here illegally. I don't care how bright or how handsome or how gay or how athletic he's all irrelevant . He is breaking the law by being here and I would be breaking the law if I hired him as my lawyer.


Well-Known Member
I don't know of any site called faux news and even if I did your response ignored my statement. As expected. You are the one making false claims so it is on you to support them.
And you just ignored my statement. Just admit it. It's ok for these people to pick your vegetables, clean your house, landscape your yard or any other physically demanding or demeaning job for low wages. But when they step into the professional world that is crossing the line. Just come out of the closet. I'm sure you will find it liberating.


Well-Known Member
You can argue all you want, but until the law is changed, he is here illegally. I don't care how bright or how handsome or how gay or how athletic he's all irrelevant . He is breaking the law by being here and I would be breaking the law if I hired him as my lawyer.
The law is changing. That's why it was on faux news. THE END.


nowhere special
And you just ignored my statement. Just admit it. It's ok for these people to pick your vegetables, clean your house, landscape your yard or any other physically demanding or demeaning job for low wages. But when they step into the professional world that is crossing the line. Just come out of the closet. I'm sure you will find it liberating.

When did I ever say it was OK for illegals to do menial work? Never. Illegal is illegal. Despite what you want to believe.


Well-Known Member
When did I ever say it was OK for illegals to do menial work? Never. Illegal is illegal. Despite what you want to believe.

Do you enjoy the low prices you currently pay for goods harvested by illegals? Are you will to pay two or three times more for the same goods as long as they are harvested by US citizens?

Tired Driver

Sisyphus had it easy.
Do you enjoy the low prices you currently pay for goods harvested by illegals? Are you will to pay two or three times more for the same goods as long as they are harvested by US citizens?
Without illegals, wages will go up to fill the void. Prices will go up for the products. If the prices go up too much, the consumers will not buy. When the consumer will not buy, the prices will come down. A balance will be found. This is Economics 101. I have a vegetable garden that I grow 50% to 75% of my family needs during the growing season depending on the season. Illegal means illegal.


Well-Known Member
Ag is a multi $ billion business here in CA. Our products are on tables all across the world. Cheap labor is one of the main components of that multi $billion industry. That's why politicians look the other way when it comes to the undocumented workforce that it exploits. And unlike you 99% of Americans do not grow their own food.