

nowhere special
Ag is a multi $ billion business here in CA. Our products are on tables all across the world. Cheap labor is one of the main components of that multi $billion industry. That's why politicians look the other way when it comes to the undocumented workforce that it exploits. And unlike you 99% of Americans do not grow their own food.

And California is dominated by Democratic politicians. Blame them for encouraging and exploiting the use of cheap illegal workers.


Well-Known Member
And California is dominated by Democratic politicians. Blame them for encouraging and exploiting the use of cheap illegal workers.
They all share the blame. Isn't immigration a federal law? Using undocumented workers for cheap labor is not exclusive to CA. It's in red states as well, so try again sir.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you there. The main difference is Republics tend to abuse workers in other countries and the Democrats do it in the US.
IMO there is no difference. No matter what side of the isle you are on. If you don't stand up for what's right, you are part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
And you just ignored my statement. Just admit it. It's ok for these people to pick your vegetables, clean your house, landscape your yard or any other physically demanding or demeaning job for low wages. But when they step into the professional world that is crossing the line. Just come out of the closet. I'm sure you will find it liberating.


Crossing the line happened when they cross OUR BORDER illegally !!!

The people that should be doing all the menial jobs are the people sitting at home collecting unemployment and food stamps --while the rest of us work and support them!!

His only client should be himself --explaining why he broke our law and when he should be sent back !! Then he should be disbarred for breaking the law.
Just what we need another Dishonest Attorney.

Why did he not cross the border legally and go through the process as millions of immigrants have ????


nowhere special

Crossing the line happened when they cross OUR BORDER illegally !!!

The people that should be doing all the menial jobs are the people sitting at home collecting unemployment and food stamps --while the rest of us work and support them!!

His only client should be himself --explaining why he broke our law and when he should be sent back !! Then he should be disbarred for breaking the law.
Just what we need another Dishonest Attorney.

Why did he not cross the border legally and go through the process as millions of immigrants have ????

I agree with you there. Put the welfare people to work. That will never happen though in a politically correct environment.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you there. Put the welfare people to work. That will never happen though in a politically correct environment.


It seems most of our problems are a result of the B.S. politically correct nonsense !!!

Politically correct means never having to say you are stupid !!!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you there. Put the welfare people to work. That will never happen though in a politically correct environment.

I live in the middle of apple country. The local orchards have to import workers from Jamaica to work the fields as unemployed locals are too lazy to do the work.


nowhere special
Few native born Americans are willing to do migrant farm work. Very hard labor with low pay. Plus why work when you can sit home and collect welfare or unemployment (extended again). ?