Here would be a run down of my day. get up at 2:45am-to work by 4 to start the preload. work from 4-9. leave get home at around 10:30 sometimes later depending on traffic. lets say i do nothing but sleep until i have to be up again at 3pm (5hrs) to be back to work by 5 to work the twilight until 9. Then drive home where i would get back at 10:30 or so which gives me (4.5) hrs till i have to be up again to start it all over again.
Thats why i have elected to do only one shift. Not because i`m selfish and just the unemployment benefit. My question wasn't is it morally right. My question was am i within my rights in the state of Illinois and with our union agreement to collect unemployment on my other 4 hours?
Thats why i have elected to do only one shift. Not because i`m selfish and just the unemployment benefit. My question wasn't is it morally right. My question was am i within my rights in the state of Illinois and with our union agreement to collect unemployment on my other 4 hours?