Can I operate a delivery service while still working at ups?


Happy Verified UPSer
Conflict of interest.
and you know this how? was it in one of the 25 papers we signed when we were hired? would HR be able to point this out?

I worked another driving job when i was a relief driver and the center manager told me i couldn't. I asked him if he was going to buy groceries for my family. I told him also that if he didn't work me 40 hrs a week then i could do what i wanted. he didnt push the issue after that as long as my other job did not conflict with my feeder schedule.


Retired 23 years
Just don't do it while driving your UPS truck. They frown on people delivering personal stuff out of their trucks.


Well-Known Member
Perfect----------------you know Upstate would have left it in the middle of the road

Nope---would have picked it up and put it on the side of the road.

I am sitting here looking at the patio set that one of my customer's was giving away that just happened to find it's way to my condo in the back of my pkg car.


Retired 23 years
I picked up a 50 lb bag of grass seed laying in the middle of the road , that happened to be the exact seed I used on my lawn one summer.....

We had a driver find a brand new washing machine still in the box laying in the road. He loaded it up and called the sheriffs dept. They said to bring it in and they would try to locate the owner. He said no way. He gave them his number and told them if anyone claimed it to call him. No one called.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
The Code of Conduct, or Policy book pages 16-18 (I believe) mentions conflict of interest, and not using your position with UPS for the benefit of an Employees personal for profit Business.
Been some time since I read it, but I think my recall is close to accurate.
If not, I am sure there are folks who will let me know....


Well-Known Member
Just curious on what are the rules or policies regarding operating a delivery service while still working at ups. I've read and heard stuff about if you operate a business in competition to ups that you might be forfeiting your pension? Is that after retirement or does it apply at any moment in my ups career?
Got to watch DOT hours with any extra job, even if it's non driving.