Can/Should I file?


KTM rider
That sounds exactly like it was with me. They told me they didn't do the blind thing either. Too damn bad, was what I told them.

I know 3/4s of the routes in my building, I went out on all but 4 blind. I suspect that most people that have more seniority than me did the same. Now, with EDD and PAS, it is really not that difficult to do a route blind. I covered a route for 4 years and am not finding it that difficult to do whatever route needs to be done. The 1st day is a little slow, but the next day always goes much better.


The Nim
I did, because that's what they do - but not in an angry or hostile way. The drivers all get along.

Drivers don't make this decision no matter how civil they are about it. Management makes it, if drivers want to suggest a change and management accepts fine.


Got the T-Shirt
Any opinions?


Stop sending passive/aggressive messages through the DIAD, that's not gonna get you anywhere. If you think your seniority rights are being violated get with a steward and file.

Always good advice.

I didn't think the contract allowed us to bump people for no other reason than just wanting a different route.

Depends on where you are at.

ive been driving for 6 years, ive filed and lost every time ive filed.

Don't let that discourage you from filing a grievance. File grievances.... based on contract violations and Local practices.

If you are filing grievances based on complaints.... those are harder to resolve.

File on seniority. Don't mention the sex of the driver, it may/may not be sexism, but in the end it sounds like whining. Just saying. The talk should not have occurred in front of the other drivers, but I'd leave that one alone. just file on the seniority issue and never send that kind of message via DIAD again. Be sure, a copy of said message has already been placed in your file.

Favorites are a part of the game. It's not fair, but neither is life.

Good solid advice. Especially the highlighted part. Take note....

I don't get why you aren't just walking up to that (female) driver in the morning and taking the DIAD from her and telling her you're bumping her off the route.... and I would bet that it doesn't end there. Quit asking the supe for permission - just do it.

Whoa.... Get out your checkbook, with that statement.... Made payable to the OP.

That's BS. Seniority doesn't stop because UPS gets in a bind. The center I left still does it that way. It sounds like you've got nobody pressing the issue or bad representation.

In other words.... Stand up for yourself. Nobody is going to do it for you.

Work as directed and grieve later.

Always good advice.

As with all things, the OP needs to be careful taking advise from this forum. Consult your local supplement and your local Union Steward.

It is really not that difficult to do a route blind.The 1st day is a little slow, but the next day always goes much better.

I learned 25+ routes in the blind.... on paper.


Air Ops Pro
Nobody should be walking up to anybody taking anything regardless of seniority. Seniority secures the right to work, not the right to decide what you are going to do when you get there. Bidding is for that. You don't bid by surpassing management and playing hot-potato with diads. Logically think about what kind of a wild west debacle it would be if everyone was just let go grabbing whatever route they wanted from whomever they could based on seniority in buildings with 100+ drivers a center. That isn't how things work.